Chapter 19: Part 2

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"Well, I believe in execution, not incarceration, because these guys don't share your opinion, besides, I knew you couldn't do it. Give the gun to me," Eric instructed as I gradually realized that he was manipulating the poor recruit. To finish the act, Eric unhesitantly walked up to the Charltons' victim and finished them off with a blank to the head. The other recruits were alarmed by this sudden action like ten-year-olds hearing an adult swear, as their mouths opened large enough to fit an orange in them.

As fake blood soaked his rather nice silver jacket, Eric then asked for Rosette's gun. Since he was a few paces away from her, Eric gestured his fingers, asking her to throw the yet to be cocked firearm into his trigger-happy hands. Horrifically shocked, any idiot could tell that the young and vulnerable Rosette did not want to be in any part of Eric's gang, for she was terrified of their main man. So she failed to throw the gun to him, who was only a few feet away, let alone being able to lift her own hands. Thankfully, Sophie was next to the immobile recruit and took the gun from her, ultimately passing Eric the firearm through the air.

Eric expressed his gratitude towards Sophie as he cocked the weapon, then, after a mere matter of seconds, Eric executed another Langatory worker, as a scene. Feeling genuinely worried for Rosette and her mental state, I turned my head to her general direction and saw Rosette's hands covering her naïve and innocent little eyes, which were yet to be exposed to more gruesome images of life and reality.

"Rosette, Willian, you weren't able to shoot, why?" Eric questioned, to which both were too terrified to answer. "You might think it's because you're weak, but that's not the reason. No, it's not because you're weak, it's because you misunderstand," Eric then exchanged Torretta's and Rosette's guns with the Silverists for the magazines.

This reminded me to inspect the magazine, which the fake red liquid started to dry upon, but before I would jump onto conclusions of my own, Eric explained its properties to the group, "Rosette and Torretta, the magazines which your fellow recruits are holding now are known as UM-XIV, otherwise known as a universal magazine with fourteen rounds, also known as lifesavers. Find any assault rifle, sniper, pistol, or even shotgun that requires a magazine, and I guarantee that this single magazine will fit within the selected gun, and it might just save your life. However, you can only apply this contraption once, so use it wisely," he described the cool gadget that would have made the recruits and I express our amazement if it were not for the grim atmosphere.

While I, as well as some of the others, tried playing around with the magazine, Eric stated to Torretta and Rosette, "The reason why you two do not have a magazine is because you need to earn it, Rosette especially. Killing a person this early was one of the opportunities you could have gotten this lifesaver, so you can imagine what tests lie down the track for you to receive this object."

During Eric's lecture, I doubted Torretta was listening for she seemed distracted by something behind the twelve Silverists, while the fifteen-year-old next to her seemed to understand Eric's message. It looked as if Eric was blaming Torretta only to make Willian feel guilty. Once Eric reassured that Rosette understood, Eric released our squadron, "You are dismissed."

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