Chapter 22: Part 3

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"And in breaking news," I heard the noise from a television set and bolted straight up from the bed

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"And in breaking news," I heard the noise from a television set and bolted straight up from the bed. Eric was watching the news which broadcasted a story of four teens, who had dressed in cloaks. During that moment, I was too tired for my brain to process anything, so I had just initially heard loud sounds from the set. I lay back down, but once my mind deciphered the report, my body shot right back up again. My eyes were fixed on the screen as Eric turned around to ask me if I was okay, for the bed-shaking and groaning gave away the fact that I was already awake.

"I'm fine, I just want to watch the news," I squinched my eyes while I used my ears to listen to the audio.

"You want breakfast? I can bring it to you in here," he charitably offered, but I did give him a grand.

"No thanks, I'm not that hungry right now," I responded with half a brain as I was trying to listen to the television.

"Well, alright, but training starts at eight, and if you are going to eat, you got to do it fast," Eric advised.

"I can eat breakfast in a heartbeat," I bragged.

Eric turned around back to the TV, and we both stared at the high-definition screen. The anchorwoman continued, "Four gang members were found dangling via a chain in front of the PCPD's eighth Precinct. With them came several bags of illicit drugs, which the police are analyzing at this very moment," I celebrated my little victory with a conspicuous grunt, which was dismissed by Eric, "Though we do not know who the drugs belong to so far, many are speculating that they belong to these four young men due to their affiliation with the 'Red Renegades' as shown clearly from their tattoo."

The moment the word 'tattoo' with a full stop placed at the end of it appeared on the captions, Eric surprised me with a sudden outburst as he swore relentlessly, using the F-word more times than I could have blinked. For the life of me, I did not know why he was furious, but before I could have asked him, he left the room with me inside and by myself while the news report still continued talking about the same story.

After a moment, the assumption that Eric recognized the gang members crossed my mind, and from that point, I celebrated another victory by rolling on his bed and laughing hysterically, whilst Eric was outside and shouting at whatever moved. Once I stopped giggling, I returned my attention to the television screen. I had never seen a news report being discussed about by journalists for that long since the 9/11 attacks. Of course, I had only watched reruns, for I had been yet to be toilet-trained during the tragic event.

Paying no attention to Eric's screaming, I tried watching the news, "We now bring you to a video recorded on the mobile phone of a teenager that shows how the four were found in front of the station. Though the footage is dark, this still might seem distressing to some viewers, so please watch at your discretion," the anchorwoman ended her statement and the report cut to the video.

It showed a chain, which I had found from a nearby butcher's shop, lifting up four people and hanging them on a street light. I had done this with my powers, meaning I had not been anywhere near the department, which explained why I did not appear in the video. Nonetheless, I had been stupid to even think about using my powers in such a busy place, but I was not spotted, therefore, people could only be left wondering about why this had happened and what had exactly caused it.

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