Chapter 7: Part 2

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"I thought you said Vernon is unaware of your location," I found a fault in his plan.

"He is, but he assumes we're in Politum, if not, launching a nuclear weapon at a city as dense and important as Politum will not only cause an economic collapse but it will result in the death of millions of innocent hard-working citizens. He's played a wildcard here but we don't exactly know why he would destroy the earth. Guess that explains why he's crazy," Eric slurred.

"Okay, then why now? Vernon had plenty of missiles under his belt, so why now?" I was definitely interrogating him.

"Well, technically, the event isn't going to happen now, but assuming 'now' includes the next year, my sources tell me that these particular models are on the highest tier of Langatory technology, unlike before, and that they were only developed and authenticated just a few years ago, and therefore are being built 'now'," he finished there, but I was not satisfied with that answer.

"I already knew that out of common sense. I'm asking why they decided to attack now," I cross-examined.

"Because they were waiting. Tensions have never been higher in the UN," I stared at him with a blank face, "Once these missiles have been made, Langatory plans to sell these to Russia. In order to shift its sales towards Russia, the company not only named it in Russian, but also adapted to their current economy. Then, after the missiles have been sold to the Russians, through the black market obviously, Langatory will fire those missiles from Russia to Politum. This will cause unforeseeable damage to the U.S. in which Langatory's previous missiles were not even close to achieving. Being new and secret models, no one will recognize that the missiles ever belonged to Langatory. Therefore, Russia will evidently be blamed and a global nuclear war will spark with a hole already in the heart of America," he explained.

Semi-distraught from Eric's words, I cynically debated why Vernon's plans were inevitable and why there was no purpose for Eric's resistance, "Say that I do believe you, then what happens next? You don't expect Vernon's death to stop these things from happening, do you? Plus, how could a mere teenager like me help you to deal with this large-scale crisis, there's nothing I nor any of your beloved gang members can do to change any of these events from happening."

"Trust me, I have a plan, but I'll need your full cooperation in order to carry that plan out, Tyzon," he said.

I scoffed, "You don't need me. You got hundreds of people to sort out the mess."

"But what's the harm in staying? I can guarantee that you will have a 99 percent chance of dying if you leave now, and even if you make it to the city, your homeless ass will quickly starve to death. You will be put in the city morgue, only to be cremated and buried in any random hole. You will have no legacy, no testament, not even a funeral for your worthless carcass, unless I change that, unless the gang changes that. Right now, you are flesh and bones that have no worth, but if you stay here, I can assure you that there will be no jumps like that stunt back at the cafeteria, and you will be looked after," Eric gave me a speech which was too sophisticated to be impromptu.

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