Chapter 14: Part 1

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After attaining what I needed, I exited the police station and looked at my oversized wristwatch, the alarm clock. Discovering that noon was yet to pass, the mentality of 'it was still morning' drove me to take my time in the city and not be in so much of a rush to come back to the gang's hideout. My stomach rumbled from the sight of a pizza sign outside a restaurant, which made me realize how much I deprived myself of food. Since the pizzeria was just on the opposite side of the road, I decided to have my brunch there, even though it was not the healthiest alternative for breakfast.

Eating only a total of three slices, which was all I bothered to afford, I satisfied my stomach enough, without filling it to the point where I was unable to stand on my feet. Since they were offered to me for free, I also grabbed a handful of napkins on my way out, just in case, while the store manager eerily gazed at me with his devilish eyes. Once I was done with a deliciously overpriced brunch, I decided to return to the useful electronics store to buy extra batteries, even though I had spares on me, for I assumed I was going to be using the radio more than toilet paper.

However, buying batteries had not seemed enough when I caught sight of some earphones. I was thankful that the scanner had a headphone jack so that I could proceed to choose a pair of earphones, for headphones were less discreet and too expensive. I ultimately settled on a pair that was the darkest shade of black, which also looked comfortable. Without going completely overboard with the cash, I decided to additionally buy binoculars, then lost another hundred in total and left the store a poorer soul, not realizing that I had also lost my money sense.

Guessing I had left Eric worrying for long enough, I decided to return to the Silver Gang. However, deciding when to leave was the easiest part, for physically returning to the Silver Gang was a different story as I was unaware of my location. I resorted to the old-fashioned technique of retracing my steps, until I was at the nightclub. Soon afterwards, I returned to the horrid place that was dubbed 'Vixen', while remaining wary of the people in the environment due to the possibility that either associates of the pig or even the manager, Lucas, could gun me down at any second.

I spotted the Langatory train track, which was suspended in the air just above the nightclub, at a climbable height. After I mounted onto the rail via its supports, which was admittedly harder than descending down the beam, I was struck with the dilemma of which train I needed to take. There were two rails, one for a train that went deeper into the dense city, and one for a train that led into the desert.

Being so deep in the city that the desert was no longer visible, it was physically impossible for me to know for certain where each rail was headed. Though I could have used the front of the nightclub to know which train I took into the city, my memory failed me and so I was reduced to guessing, as if the struggle to board the train was not hard enough. I had no sense of direction whatsoever, thereby creating this predicament.

There was a fifty percent chance of my choosing the right train; however, there was also that exact same chance for me to choose incorrectly. As I walked along the rail, pondering of ways to deduce which train led to where, the first train arrived. It headed straight towards me and did not look like it was bound to stop at any given second. Though I was unsure of whether or not to take this train, I thought that it was at least worth a try, for I assumed the other train would have taken at least an hour to cross the railway.

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