1 I'm a Cat! 1

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Izaya's Pov~
I walk in my apartment and plop down on my couch exhausted. I had such an annoying day of work today and that Monster just made me more tired. I had to go get a job offer from some old rich guy who lost his dog and is willing to pay a lot for it. But he told me to meet him at a bar that turned out to be a gay strip club were a bunch of gay guys kept trying to touch me. One guy was ballsey enough to put his hand down my pants and rub my dick. He guickly found out what it's like to loose a finger. I took the job though. I should call Celty and tell her about it since she is the one who is probably gonna do it. I pick up my cell and call her, and shinra picks up.

"hey it's orihara, is Celty there?"
~Oh hey Izaya. no she's not she insisted on cooking so she went to the store to get ingredients. I can take a message if you want~
"(sigh) fine. tell her I got a new job for her. it's super easy and pays really good. I want her to stop by tomorrow and get the details and the half fee. alright?"
~ya. got it. I'll tell her. but izaya why don't I just have her go over once she gets back?~
"nah. I'm tired and really don't feel like putting on a smirk and messing with people's lives so just have her come by tomorrow. plus she'll have more time for it then. I don't want to disturb anything you guys are doing"
~hehehe. alright. well get some rest so you can get back to pretending your god. it's weird when you are not yourself.~
"whatever. bye"
I hang up before him and throw my phone on the table. I lay back on the couch and before I knew it I was asleep, with only my coat covering me. God I love that thing.
~time skip~
I wake up with a text message vibrating my phone annoyingly. it's about noon and Celty had texted that she was on her way. I sigh at the terrible sleep I had. It felt like my body was adding parts all night. but i seem to have two arms, legs, feet, and hands. and one head so I guess it was just a dream. I go into the bathroom to piss and notice that there are two black ears sticking out of my head and a long black tail slither out from behind me to taste the air. I jump and stumble backwards.
what. the. actual. fuck.
I tug on my ears and tail and flinch at the pain. well that proves there real.
what am I gonna do.
I hear the doorbell ring and i sigh walking down the stairs and open the door for celty. She notices my new accessories and tilted her helmet in confusion. She types quickly on her phone.
-why are you wearing those. are you going to a party or something-
"no unfortunately Celty these are real and I have no idea HOW they got there or HOW to get them off."
-I'll text shinra and see if he could help. I don't want you running around ikebukiro causing trouble-
She walks around me and types to shinra. I have to admit I want them gone but the causing trouble part sounds fun.
"actually that sound like a great idea. well the info is in that folder, see ya Celty."
before I even make a step out the door Celty grabs me and holds me upside down by my legs with her shadows. I sigh and play with my tail while Celty texts Shinra.
-Izaya is a cat-
-what did he do this time?-
-no really. He has ears and a tail and there real, trust me I checked-
I yelp when Celty tugs on my ears and tail with her shadow.
-how did it happen?-
-no idea that's why I said I would txt you about it-
-alright have him come over then-
-actually I'll bring him. now that he is different he wants to see how many lives he can mess with and I don't want people thinking there is another monster in ikebukiro.-
-ahh ok. I'll do some research on it-
-ok I'll drop him off and do this job. It is super easy-
-alright see you then-
Celty let's me down and then types quickly on her phone and turns it around to show to me.
-I'm gonna take you to shinra and he said he'll see what he can do. but you can't go freely around town until then.-
"what if I disided I don't want to go?"
Celty uses some shadow to bound me as she lifts me up forcefully and takes me out to her bike, sitting me in the back. She rides back to shinra. After dropping me off, she left to find that dog and left me all alone with the amazed doctor.
"how is this even possible. you are a Neko. I thought thoses were only in manga and anime. can I examine you"
"no. I'm leaving "
I get and up and walk to the door. shinra tries to stop me, babbling on and on about how it's unsafe for me or them.
then he made the mistake of pulling on my tail to get my attention since I was obviously ignoring him. which in turn pissed me off because it kinda hurt and felt kinda...weird. I pull out my knife and spin around pointing it at him. all within the span of 8 seconds. Shinra puts his hands up and apologized.
"sorry sorry but I can't just let you walk away."
"and whose gonna stop me?"
I say with an evil grin and as if he heard his name being called, shizou burst down the door and walked in. Shinra smiled at me and pointed at shizou.
"he can"
Shizou walks up behind me and I quickly spin around and jump back almost knocking shinra over. Shizou looks at my new features with a surprised look on his face, that quickly turned to disgust. and surprisingly I was affected by this.
why dose he look at me like that. he's the one with monstrous strength. I'm not the freak here. this is temporary his is forever. dammit what did I do to piss him off so badly. I don't even remember now.
Shizuo glares at me threw his dark glasses.
"what the hell did you do?"
"fuck you. it's not like I wanted this. I just woke up and they were there. why the hell are you even here"
"I owed Celty a favor so she told me to help shinra with you. of course I couldn't pass her down and it sounded like fun."
Shinra joined in the conversation slightly happy he has help how.
"well I have an emergency to get to in Tokyo, a friend of mine is having a baby, and since you owe Celty I want you to watch Izaya. don't let him leave the house and take care of him. I have a feeling some cat traits are gonna start to appear. plus my friend in Tokyo has had some run ins with exotic stuff so maybe she can help. Thanks shizuo"
Shinra ran out the house with his stuff and his ticket, leaving me and shizou to process what just happened. and as we both realized what we are stuck in now, like twins we shout at the same time.

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