15 I Love You 15

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Izaya's Pov-
We made it home faster then we made it to the park. We had gone to Shizuo's apartment instead of my own only because it was closer. Taking the back alleys so we could kiss and slam each other against walls as we made it there. Once inside we immediately took off our clothes. I had only goten my shirt and coat off though before shizuo grabbed me by the hips and pushed me against the hallway wall, he too had only gotten off his tie, vest, and shirt.
"Someone is quite inpatient. You didn't even take off yo-Mmnn"
I didn't even get all the words out before he had his lips pressed to mine as he lifted one of my legs to wrap around his waist. The kiss was hard and hungry and quickly after it started shizuo licked my lip asking for entrance. I though it would be fun to tease him a bit so i denied his request.
Irritated, shizuo pulled out out of the kiss and bit into my shoulder and grinded his hips hard into my crotch, rubbing my member The pain from the bite and the pleasure from the grinding makes a very indecent moan escape my lips and giving shizuo the extra kick to break his will and rip off my pants and underwear. He licks the bite mark and hungerly kisses my neck almost frantically looking for my sweet spot while stroking my member. Moans spilled from my lips. Shizuo smirked at me and kisses my lips again as he pumps me harder. I grab a handful of his hair and pull him into a deeper kiss before pushing off the wall and slamming his back against the opposite wall across from me. I kissed him again, now with access to his mouth from his surprised gasp, before soon pulling out and putting tease kisses all across his jawbone and down his neck. I sunk my teeth into his shoulder and licked up the little bit of blood i had drawn. Shizuo hissed at the pain but chuckled at me as i licked his wound. i looked up at him questioningly and he just chuckled again before cupping my cheeks and leaning in as if to kiss me but only whispered.

"I guess the cat isn't entirely gone. Just a little of your cat like self still remains."

He pulls me face in the rest of the way so our lips meet again for the 1000th time today. Before he can deepen it i pull back.

"Lets go to the room, i dont want stand tease anymore. ~i want you to just fuck me already~"

As i expected that set him off and he picked me up bridal style and walked down the hall to his room were he then kicked open the door and threw me on the bed. Before i even had a chance to sit up shizuo, had his pants off and, was already on top of me. He pinned my arms above my head and grinded himself into me as he attacked my neck, try to get back in to mood. But i jist couldn't wait anymore. Threw my moans i desperately begged him.

"S-shizu-chan..Ahh...P-please..No more-Ahh..t-teasing...i...Ahh...I Need you....In me...Ahh..Now....I..Ahh...Cant take it anymore..Ahhh.."

"As you wish"

So finally upon my begging he sat back and stuck two fingers out. I sat up too, knowing what he needed of me. Grabbing his fingers i sucked on them slowly,but faster as i got more inpatient. My tounge swirled between the two digits and i heavily coated them with saliva before pulling them out of my mouth. I turned around and stuck my ass in the air, laying my head on the pillow so i can brace for the small pain i was about to endure. Shizuo waisted no time and quickly shoved his finger in my twirling and thrusting and spinning. I was moaning the second he put it in and clamped around him. Not long before he put in the second, moving in the same way except add scissoring a few times. once he was finally done prepping me he position himself in front of my entrance and stopped to wait for me. I pushed myself up on my arms and nodded. Shizuo slowly pushed his length into me and i hissed from the pain. but it all seemed to vanish when he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"its almost over just a bit more...Im sorry but its almost over"

Even in the heat of the moment. In the middle of us having rough sex. He still stops to care.
God i love him so much.
He finally made it all the way in and waited for me before moving, slow at first but both of us became far too inpatient. He was slamming into me before even the five minute mark and i was screaming his name along the way. It wasn't long before we came to the sound of each other's names being called out in lustful cries. I let my arms collapse as my face hits the pillow and shizuo falls down next to me. He lays his hand on my face and i lean into it like a puppy. He chuckled at me before i leaned in and placed a passionate kiss against his lips.

" I love you Shizuo "

" I love you too Izaya "

...Meanwhile at Russian Sushi...

Erika flung her hand up to cover her gushing nose and kept her eyes locked onto the bright screen of her computer, Giggling like a maniac. Everyone else just stared at her before Shinra got up the courage to lean over and look at her computer. The second he realized what he was watching his face exploded a bright red and he fainted on Celty's lap. Now everyone wanted to know what could be so terrible on the screen. Everyone huddled around the crazy girl and looked at the screen and it was like seeing a bomb go off, all at once everyone who saw turned bright red and some even fainted. 

-What are you watching?-

asked Celty, the only person who hadn't seen the screen yet, and Erika grinned in excitement. She turned the computer around and pointed at the screen as it played. 

"I put a hidden camera in Shizuo's room in case they dicided to have a little fun and I guess the excitement of getting his ears and tail removed was enough to spur a little passion. hehehe"

A video of the  two having sex played on the screen and everyone shook there head in shame. there must be something wrong with this girl.



but unfortunatly this is the end of this book. but dont worry a new shizaya one is In The Making. 

Thanks so much again and sorry for the wait.

Love ya all.


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