8 1/2 Lust is Annoying! 8 1/2

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3rd Person Pov~
Izaya spun around in Shizuo's arms and slammed him into the wall behind him. Proceeding to kiss him. The aggression and lust coming from the little Neko surprised Shizuo for sure but he had NO intentions of being submissive through this.
Shizuo spun the two around and slammed Izaya against the wall making it crack a little behind him but Izaya gave no sign of pain or discomfort. His eyes were filled with a lust that blocked out any other sence.
Shizuo kisses Izaya harshly and there tounges were caught in a rough battle that Izaya had no hope of winning. Once Shizuo won his tounge tasted every part of izaya's familiar mouth. While Shizuo was concentrated on the kiss, Izaya was fiercely taking off shizuo's pants. Izaya pulled out of the kiss so he could look down to get the belt and vest off. Izaya yanked Shizuo's pants down and threw them away. Then kisses Shizuo again while walking him in the direction of the couch. Turning and shoving Shizuo back, he fell on the couch. Izaya straddled his waist while kissing him and running his hand on the outside of his boxers, making Shizuo grunt. After pulling out of the kiss, Izaya shifted down Shizuos body and pulled his boxers down and grabs his member in his soft hands. Pumping it a few times before wrapping his mouth around it, taking his whole length in his mouth before pulling it out to kiss up and down the shaft. A few more rewarding grunts came from Shizuo before he couldn't wait anymore. He grabbed Izaya and pulled him to him so Izaya is on his hands and knees over Shizuo. Shizuo stuck two of his fingers in Izayas mouth and new exactly what he wanted. Taking Shizuos hand in his, he licked and sucked on Shizuos fingers so they were dripping with saliva, while Shizuo unzipped the sweatshirt Izaya had on exposing his bare chest. Then leaning forward a bit and putting his head in the crook of shizuo's neck, Izaya put his ass up so Shizuo can do his work. Shizuo didn't hesitate for even a secone before yanking down izaya's sweatpants and sticking both fingers in Izayas hole and sissored him, stretching him out for what's to come. Izaya moaned in Shizuos ear, sending shivers of ecstasy through his body. Shizuo couldn't wait anymore and brought Izaya up to look up at him. Shizuo ripped izaya's pants off the rest of the way and threw them over the back of the couch. He carrassed Izayas face as he lowered him on his hard, erect member. Izaya winced and a tear formed in his eyes. Shizuo kisses it away and pushed the rest of the way in. It wasn't long before Izaya started to move his hips to inform Shizuo he was ready. And grabbing izaya's hips, Shizuo began to pump into Izaya. There moans and grunts were the only sounds echoing through the house.
"ahhh!!! SHIZUO!!!!"
Izaya cumed on shizuo's shirt while Shizuo's cum shot up into Izaya. The sticky liquid coated Izaya's walls, some spilling out when Shizuo pulled out. Izaya went to lay on Shizuo but stopped when the distinct sound of a camera click and a flash lighting up there bodies. Izaya heard a giggle behind the curtains. He shot up and was at the curtains, on the other side of the room, in seconds. He snatched the hair of the personal paparazzi and lifted them from there squatting position behind the curtains. He glared at the person and spun them around to see there face. As soon as Izaya's eyes met Erikas he sighed and dropped her. Snatching the camera before lifting a hand and shooing her away.
"but..my camera"
Forgetting he was naked, Izaya turned around and grinned his normal izaya grin.
"it's MINE now. you broke into my house, and snooped on ME. I guess I'll let you keep the information since no one would believe you if you told but this(holds up camera) is now mine. too bad for you"
Izaya grins at her again waiting for her to cry and begg for it but she just gets really red and covers her face. Izaya tilted his head in confusion and then relized he was still naked. He widened his eyes and ran to Shizuo, hiding behind the couch while putting his pants on. Shizuo was sitting up now and chuckled at Izaya. Erika had uncovered her eyes and had tried to sneek up to the coffee table, were her camera sat. She reached her hands out and was almost in contact with the strap but jumped back at the sound of the door flinging open. Shinra came in with a small box of different alcohol and a few other random things on in the top. He set it all on the counter and looked up to see Shizuo sitting in the couch naked except for his cum covered shirt and Izaya in the middle of putting back on his pants. Shinra screamed and covered his eyes. Izaya pulled his sweatpants on and grabbed Erikas wrist and Shinras shoulder and pulled them to the front door. He pushed them out side and before closing the door yelled.
"you two Stay HERE. we'll get you once were dressed."
Izaya slammed the door and sighed. Shizuo chuckled and walked over to his pants to slip them back on.
"well that was fun"
Izaya said sarcastically while walking over to Shizuo and unbuttoning his soiled shirt.
"the real fun was you"
Shizuo grabbed izaya's wrist and kisses his knuckles and smiled at him before leaning in for a kiss. But Izaya steps back so Shizuo's lips just barley missed his.
"not now. go upstairs and finish getting dressed. I'll deal with tge two idiots who are outside the front door. Izaya took the old shirt Shizuo was wearing and bawled it up throwing it in the downstairs bathroom in the clothes basket. Shizuo walked up the stairs past him while he walked back to the front door, re-zipping his sweatshirt.
Well this is gonna be quite the night. I MIGHT live through it.
Izaya thought as he walked to the door to let in his unwanted guests
Heyo everyone!
I just wanted to say
it really makes me feel good to know that people actually like my writing.
not to make this all sappy and stupid but recently I've been a little depressed so my self asteem has been awfully low but this makes it just sore.
thanks again for reading and hopped you liked this chapter.
and keep reading for more Shizaya.

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