3 Cats Hate Water 3

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Shizuo's Pov~
Izaya storms away with a face more red than a tomato. I really messed with him. hehehe.
I sit back on the couch and pick up the remote but before I had a chance to turn on the TV I hear the shower turn on and then this yelp like sound before the door swings open and slams closed with Izaya leaning against it like he just saw a monster. eyes wide, breath quick, and body tense. I look at him confused.
"is everything alright?"
Izaya snaps out of it and looks at me then were he's at then back at me confused.
"ya. sorry I don't know what just happened. I'll be going now"
He turns around and goes back in the bathroom and I look back at the blank screen but i again was stopped by a 'mrow' sound coming from the bathroom and the door being violently opened again. but this time Izaya burst out of it and ran to hide behind the table, leaving the door open while the water ran. I stand up and look At Izaya then the bathroom.
"what the hell? why aren't you taking a shower? is something in the bathroom"
Izaya looked embarrassed.
"no. i...i don't like water anymore. my body won't let me stay in there."
I look at Izaya and sigh, annoyed.
"you gotta be joking. now your showing cat traits. well you can't just not shower, your covered in coffee and ash. you have to shower"
"what do you mean no. just get up and go clean yourself, izaya"
"I said NO! I wont go in there with that water you're gonna have to make me if you care so much."
"why did I agree to this.."
I say while sighing and grabbing Izaya by the collar and lifting him over my shoulder while carrying him to the bathroom. He struggles and whines in my grasp but I ignore him. I turn off the main shower and grab the head but before I could get Izaya to get in he was already trying to run away. I grab him again, from behind the head, and hold him on the ground while I held the shower head above me, dripping with water. Izaya fought, shoving one hand into my face and the other into my shoulder. I could see a dark blush on his cheeks as he protested.
"💢izaya..i will rip off your tail if you keep fighting me. you have to get clean!💢"
Izaya stops kicking but keeps his hands on me while looking me in the eyes. I was surprised to see him crying.
"I don't want to. Please Shizuo. don't make me get wet. please I don't like the water. it scares me!"
He looked so helpless and for some reason that ever so slightly turned my on. I mentally punched myself and sighed putting the shower head down. I let go of Izaya who just sits in front of me, waiting. His face still wet from tears.
"then will you at least take a bath..."
"....only...only if shizu-Chan takes on with me..."
I blush and stare at him shocked but though about how annoying it will be if he stays dirty like that so I sigh again and nod my head.
"(blush)fine but you have to get in first so I can put your clothes in the wash."
"(blush) ok fine but you have to run it."
We both nod and I wrap my arm around Izayas waist and pull him up with me. we both blush again and I turn around to the bath and start it going. Izaya waits patiently until I signal that it's done. I leave,the room to give him privacy and get the wash ready. I wait for Izaya to call me in, implying he was done but when I walked in he was sitting in the ground, naked.
"what are you doing idiot. get in the water or you'll freeze."
"(blush blush) n-not without s-shizu-chan"
He looked so cute. no stop.
I sigh and pick him up setting him in the water. as soon as the water touched his skin he gripped in tight to my arms. I try to let go but he held on tight, trembling in place.
shit. at this rate I'm gonna have a Bonner. I need to stop.
I let his head with one hand and tensed for a moment before relaxing into the water while my hand soothes him. He let go of my arm and took off my clothes. getting in behind him. I felt awkward in the water with Izaya. His back was too me but he wasn't moving.
god please don't tell me I'm gonna have to-
"s-shizu-chan...c-c-could you help me..um..w-wash...?"
"(sigh) your such a pain."
I pick up the loofa and squeeze some body wash on it. Izaya was looking over his shoulder at me as I do this as if he has never bathed before. I run the soap into the loofa untill until it creates suds and I start scrubbing Izaya. There was a spot were a bit of wet ash was stuck to him on his chest that I couldn't really reach from were I was so I wrapped my free arm around his waist and pulled him back so his back was against my chest. I don't know if it's possible for us to get any redder.
Izaya's Pov~
Why am I acting like this? I have never had a problem with bathing before so why now is it so scary? I feel like an idiot and i...i don't like shizuo this close.....but I also...kinda do...
Shizuo pulled me back to lean against his chest and he washed off my chest. He washed down my arm and I thought he was done but then he grabbed my tail a little rough but also gentle and I let out a quiet moan. I fling my hand up to cover my mouth. It seems that Shizuo was surprised by my actions as well.
"did you just...moan?"
"n-n-no! I just...you surprised me! why are you grabbing that anyway!"
"cause it's dirty!"
I opened my mouth to argue but there was nothing I could say. He was right. I was did ask him to clean me and he can see where I'm dirty more than I can since its mostly on my back. I turn my head to look away from him my face getting hot enough to cook an egg.
"j-just be more careful"
Shizuo looked flustered and frustrated which was never a good thing and with a little grin he yanked on my tail causing me to yelp again. Shizuo looked more happy with himself untill until he saw the tears in my eyes. I noticed one fall down my face and I quickly wiped them away. Shizuo now feeling bag picked the looks back up and continued to wash my tail. He slowly (despasito) dragged the loofa looks down my fur I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes tight. Shizuo didn't notice thankfully and he pulled the loofa away. I relax thinking he is done but really he was just getting the loofa wet. He grabbed my tail and a little faster this time dragged the loofa down, against the fur. I covered my mouth but it didn't help because a moan was still able to slip through my fingers. Shizuo stopped and just looked at me and I was confused. When I put my hand back to adjust, so I could look at him, I feel something soft and yet hard touch my hand. Before I had a chance to process what just happened Shizuo abruptly stood and got out of the tub. He ran out of the bathroom and I could here his bedroom door slam. I bunked my eyes a few times still oblivious to what just happened.
(all the nosebleed)
Izaya your such an idiot how can you not know what you acidently touched. those cat sences must be really throwing your brain off!

But it started as kinda xure. they were talking a bath together.

anyway thx for reading and hope you liked it.

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