6 Cat Disguise 6

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Shizuo's Pov~
Izaya's sister's are on the couch spouting some stupid nonsense about how Izaya became a cat. all stupid stuff that is completely unlikely. But I didn't care about that. Izaya looks kinda pale still. he shouldn't have held his breath like that. he's still slightly panting. I was afraid he was gonna pass out before.
"so then rhe cat God disided 'well if this person thinks he's God then he has to be different then the people' and-"
Izaya's sister rambled untill Izaya cut her off.
"enough! I don't care about you idiotic fantasies to why I have ears! I don't need you help now go away!!"
The girls looks slightly scared that Izaya yelled at them. He he must really not like them. wait...he could disguise as his sister. they looked enough alike that no one would think it's him.
"um before you guys leave I think there might be something you could help with if your really that determined."
Izaya glares at me and the girls light up in excitement. I tell them of the disguise plan and that we might need a girls help to turn him into a girl. Izaya looked furious.
"I am NOT dressing as girl!!"
"well you said that we had to get your stuff from you apartment and if you remember you are the one who came up with the idea of a disguise. this is the most believable."
Izaya opened his mouth to argue but closed it a second later since he knew I was right. His sister's quickly grab his arm and drag him away to my bedroom. I sit back at the table and continue to read my book.
"this is gonna be fun"
Izaya's Pov~
I grunt as my sister push me in shizuo's room. I look over at his closet and could smell that was were he did it. It smelled like him and his.. stuff. Damn cat sences. I don't want to be able to smell that! I was pulled out of my thoughts when my sister threw clothes at me. She then pushed me into the bathroom attached to the room. I quickly changed into what I normally wear but its cut for a girl. A black turtle neck and a some black leggings. I had to put on tighty-whites so my junk was held on tight enough that it didn't show through the leggings. Then I put a different version of my signature coat, which I'm so changing once I get my coat from my apartment.
I put on the bra that the girls also gave me. I would have put it on first but I didn't see it till now.
"don't forget to stuff the bra with toilet paper or something so it looks like you have boobs. and wrap your tail around your waist like a belt."
I hear my sister tell threw the door and do as she says. I walk out and the girls nod.
"so how are we gonna hide my ears."
"with this!"
My sister holds up a black wig that matches my hair color but it was ALOT longer. I crouch so my quite sister can put it on my head.
(btw. The the one who is doing the talking is the one who wears the school uniform and normally dose the talking. sorry I dont know there names. I mean I could look it up but that's takes effort and I don't care). Once it's all adjusted they put stick on jewels on my tail to make it look like a belt and put make-up on my face. (this is what he looks like)

Shizuo looks up from his book and states at me like I'm a different person

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Shizuo looks up from his book and states at me like I'm a different person. I just have an annoyed and tired look on my face.
"i guess that girly face you have came in handy didn't it"
"shut up! let's go so I don't have to wear this for very long. and you two. what do you want. I know you only did this cause you want something"
My sister's grin at me like I never knew they were after something.
"when you figure out what turned you into a cat. we wanna know so first off me can sell the information and so we can do it ourselves. I wanna be a cat."
"whatever. I'll call you when I figure it out. no go away"
"ok! by onee-chan"
Once they are gone I slump in the couch until Shizuo comes up to me holding a box of pokey out to me. I couldn't resist but take one and stick it in my mouth. Those two annoyed me enough to eating sweets .
Shizuo's Pov~
(sorry for all the POV switching)
Me and Izaya walk down the streets of ikebukiro toward his apartment. We got a few curioise glances from people wondering who Izaya was but not nearly as much as we would if Izaya was a cat and walking peacefully next to me. Once we made it to his apartment he ran up to his bedroom as fast as he could. idiot. Once he came back down a few minutes later he looked like the normal imformat I know. in his signature jacket with his pocket knife in his pocket. I could tell because he was spinning it in his pocket and it would push against the fabric showing its form.
That's the sexy imformat I know.
Wait! What! Why is my brain so messed up. His tail is swishing behind him and his ears twitch every now and then. He looked so hot right now. I kinda wanted to push him against the wall and destroy him in every pleasurable way. Stop it Shizuo!! I felt myself start to get hard again. I quickly turned around and walked to his kitchen were a table was. I sat at it and tried not to look at Izaya. But of course he sat right in front of me.
"shizu-chan. I don't want to go back"
He wines at me and I look up his adorable face. I feel my pants getting tighter around that area and i imagined myself doing indecent things to this man. I blush and quickly stand up walking toward the door.
"to bad. now let's go. I don't even care about the disguise."
I turn around and Izaya is right in front of me. His face so close our noses almost touch.
"~Shizu-chan~ Do you need to relieve yourself again~ was my outfit to much to handel~"
Izaya said seductively. I clenched my teeth together to keep from doing what I'm imagining to him. Did he hear me last time? was he eavesdropping? wait. The the ears he can hear better. He must have heard me call his name and came to see but heard me doing..that. play it off Shizuo.
"w-what are you talking about?"
Damn studdered. Izaya smirks.
"don't play dumb Shizuo. it dosnt fit you. I know you figured it out by the look on your face a moment ago."
I whisper under my breath but Izaya defiantly heard it by the smirk he gave me.
"~Shizuo.~ Do you want help with that~"
I widened my eyes at what he just said. Did I hear him correctly . And the way he said my name. He said my actual name and the seductive tone he said it in. I couldn't take it anymore.
Ok so I wasn't going to make the next chapter steamy because I made a steamy chapter a little bit ago but I feel like it needs this. I'm not sure how long I'm gonna make this story intirly it's defiantly not over so I'll try to make very few steamy parts. I'll only put the sex part in the next chapter so you can skip if you don't want to read.
But thx for reading this one and keep reading to find out how this is all gonna play out.

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