5 Annoying Visitors 5

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so for those of you who skipped the last chapter all that happend was Shizuo masturbated to Izaya and Izaya heard it all when he was eavesdropping. that's pretty much it. thanks for read this much and enjoy this chapter
Izaya's Pov~
I ended up actually falling asleep in the couch. Shizuo didn't bother me and I was kinda glad. it have gave me time to think. A hour after I heard Shizuo I woke back up stretching like a cat. I thought Shizuo was in his room since he wasn't on in the couch but in mid stretch I heard a oh so familiar chuckle. I looked up abd saw him sitting at the table with a book and a fresh cup of coffee, still steaming. I blushed in embarrassment.
"shizu-chan! stop laughing at me.."
I pout as I slowly get up and walk over to the table, sitting next to him.
"sorry but it's funny to me how much a pair of ears and a tail can change how you act."
I pout more and he slides the coffee to me. I look at it suspiciously and I hear Shizuo scoff in front of me.
"it's not poisoned! just drink the damn thing."
I slowly push it back at him and nod at it.
"you try it first"
"you really think I would poison you"
"well we are enemies. I wouldn't doubt it"
I must have said the wrong thing cause Shizuo widened his eyes and sucked in a breath. Then let it out slowly while looking down. He grabs the cup and takes a sup and I watch his Adam's apple move as he swallows. Then he passes it back to me. His face looked a little disgusted.
"..why are you making that face"
"cause I made that cup for you so it's not as sweet as I like my coffee. it's alot more bitter "
I widen my eyes in surprise. Shizuo made me coffee in a special way just to make me happy. I felt spontaneous emotions flood over me and I couldn't help but hug him. He froze at my actions but didn't push me off and I could feel his heart beat pick up. I slowly sat back and blushed, hard.
"s-sorry shizu-chan. I just... i was kinda. happy that you thought about me...in a not, trying-to-kill-me way.."
Shizuo blinked his eyes a few times before laughing.
"You're to cute."
As as soon as those words left his lips he covered his mouth and got up to walk away but I grabbed his arm. He turned slightly to look over his shoulder at me. His face slightly dusted, mine was too. I looked him in the eyes, uncovered by his glasses for the first time. His golden brown eyes staring through me. I felt my stomach began to twist and my face heat up more.
"...dont go..."
Was all I could manage to say. Shizuo turned around and leaned over so his face was closer to my level, a little higher still though. He put his hand on the side of my face and cupped my cheek. I could see every gold and brown sliver that made his eyes. He was so close. His eyes were latched onto mine as much as mine were latched to his. neither of us could look away.
"izaya...can I kiss you"
without a moments hesitation I responded. surprising myself and Shizuo.
He closed his eyes and leaned in the rest of the way and our lips connected. I closed my eyes a moment later, melting into the kiss. The kiss only lasted a second but it was the best second of my life. My stomach exploded with butterflies and it felt like the forth of July all throughout my body. When Shizuo pulled away he was only slightly more red but me on the other hand had a cherry for a face. Shizuo chuckled at me.
"sorry...i just couldn't help myself I just-"
"shizuo shh. dont apologize. you'll ruin it."
Shizuo chuckled and just walked into the kitchen. probably to keep from doing anything else to me. He made himself a MUCH sweeter cup of coffee and sat back down at the table. I tried to forget what just happened happens and by the look on shizuo's face he was trying to but we both ended up giving in because it wasn't going away and secretly we didn't want it to. I leaned on the table to see what Shizuo was reading. After a moment of watching Shizuo read I got bored and sat back in my seat with a huff. He looked up at my slightly annoyed
"what do you want?"
"...i don't know..im bored..Oh Wait! I remembered. I need new clothes. from my apartment. being that I'm were my boxers and one of your shirts"
"you are?"
Shizuo picked me up under the arms as if I was a kid and looked at the large shirt I was wearing that was scrunched up at the wrists, because his arms were longer than mine, and it going doing to almost mid thigh since he's way taller than me.
"when did you get that?"
"you left it in the bathroom and I didn't have anything else to were since my other clothes are still dirty cause someone forgot to wash them."
"shut up, cat. I sorry I didn't do exactly what you wanted when you asked. I'm not your maid."
"whatever. But but I still need clothes so we have to go back to my apartment. "
Shizuo sits me back down and returns to his seat taking a sip of his coffee.
"but you're not aloud outside."
"then we'll have to disguise ourselves"
"no just you. I can go outside just how I am."
I glare at him for a moment but then let up and put my elbows on the table resting my head in my hands.
"so how are we gonna disguise me?"
The doorbell goes off and I jump in surprise earning another chuckle from Shizuo. I jump on the couch and hide myself under a blanket as Shizuo goes to open the door. When he does I literally wanted to shoot myself. My two younger sisters come running in and look around the apartment. I hide myself under the blanket hoping they think I'm just a pillow. I listen carefully since I can't watch anymore for fear of being caught.
"shizuo is onee-chan here. I heard someone say that they were surprised when they saw you walking with him over your shoulder."
I hear Shizuo walk toward me and stop. There probably standing behind the couch. I hold my breath to make the blanket move less.
"no! why would I have anything to do with that cat- i mean flea."
shit! dammit Shizuo. you were doing so well.
"so onee-chan is a cat. Erika said when she was spying on Izaya a few days ago she saw him with ears and a tail"
What! Erika spys on me... that's kinda creepy.
"well I don't know where he is so get out"
"come on Shizuo. that's not how your suppose to treat guests"
I feel my sister's plop down on the couch and I try my best not to move but I needed air and it would be hard to breath now since there right there.
"I don't count you as guests I count you as intruders. so leave before I through you off the balcony"
"..you do were he is don't you. cause whenever we come to see you you normally want to know everything we know about izaya."
I freeze, now curious to know why Shizuo wanted to know about me. I was getting closer and closer to passing out from loss of breath. I think Shizuo noticed I wasn't breath because he started to sound more panicked.
"ya but now I don't care. get out. I don't know were where he is. I'm not the informant that's his job, now-"
Shizuo stopped, being cut off by me bursting out of the blanket and gasping for air. I leaned over and lanted as I tried to get in as much oxygen as possible.
"onee- chan! I knew you were there. I was wondering how long you would last"
I shoot a glare at them and keep my eyes locked on them. I could tell my hostility was slowly making them uncomfortable.
"what do you want!"
"to help. I think I know why your a neko"
Yay. They kissed!!!! ya I knkw normally I talk about what happened last in the story but I don't really like izaya's sister's. I don't even know there names. and don't really care. I agree with Izaya about them. I respect them a little for a few specific traits but mostly I fing them annoying and stupid.
oh sorry if I offended anyone by anything but I'm just annoyed by them.
anyway. Then then next chapter is gonna be fun. it's not gonna be steamy like last chapter but it will probably make you fangirl. if your a Shizaya fan. But when would you be reading if you weren't.
anyway thx for reading and hope you liked it.

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