10 Put Your Shirt Back On!10

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I'm So Sorry!!!
I've just been super stumped lately on this chapter. Plus all the stress of going back to school has had me a little occupied.
But here it is now and I'll try to write more. At least for this story is anything. Thanks so much for waiting and for all tge reads.
enjoy your reading and sorry if the beginning is a little bad. It's were I struggled the most on.
3rd Person Pov-
By Midnight all four of them were feeling pretty toasty.
Erika giggled whenever it was quiet, Shinra had his lab coat tied around his head, Shizuo had his tie around his wrist and his shirt unbuttoned half way. His vest was some were in the abyss. Izaya was the only one still mostly normal even though he almost fell out of his chair three times. It was Izaya's turn so he turned to look at Shizuo. He swallowed the spit that had collected in his mouth from all the alcohol and tried his best not to slur.
"hey Shizu-Chan. how b-big is your s-shoe size?"
(not accurate I just guessed)
"um...13in men's? why?"
Izaya blushed and took a shot. a small smile slipped on his lips.
I can belive he didn't get that. Whatever. I already know how big his dick is. Izaya thought.
Confused Shizuo was about to question it but then relized the joke and blushed with a small chuckle. Nice one Izaya. Maybe I'll just have to show you how 'big my foot is' later. Shizuo thought.
He grabbed his shot glass and gulped it down with a head shake. Shinra was confused and refilled our shot glasses but he couldn't move on until he knew the joke.
"what? I don't get it"
Erika got it though and in a brilliant moment of word association disided to yell out...
"it's code for how big his DICK is."
Everyone had to take a shot after that because they all laughed and blushed. As Shinra refilled our shots with our separate drinks Izaya sat back in his chair and sighed. The alcohol was hitting him hard and he was beginning to feel hot. So to try and relive some of his discomfort he unzipped his coat. Shizuos head snapped to look at Izaya at the sound of the zipper being slowly pulled down and his eyes widen at the sudden veiw of the man's chest. His heavy breathing obvious.
He looks so...exposed. I can just imagine throwing him over my shoulder and taking him upstairs. My hands running along his thin fram as he moans my name.
No! ... I can't do that right now. I'm not in the right mind and could risk hurting him if I did. I need to get him to stop before i loose control.
As Izaya had begun to pull his arms out Shizuo grabbed his shoulder, pulling the coat back on his body and folding it over his exposed chest. Izaya stared confused.
Shizuo was the last person I expected to put my clothes Back On! But he's blushing. What's wrong with him. I see the desire in his eyes and the struggle his body is having. what the Fuck! 
Izaya grabbed Shizuos hand and Moved it away, while he tried again to take off his shirt. Shizuo's eyes widened as his lovers thin fingers wrapped around his wrist as he used his other hand to expose his chest again. The tightness in Shizuo's pants made it almost feel like he was suffocating. But, to his suprise, Izaya stopped before sliding the coat off his shoulders. Shizuo looked confused and Izaya leaned in. Shizuo was shocked and felt his esection twitch a bit in anticipation. But Izaya didn't kiss Shizuo. He leaned over and whispered in Shizuos ear.
"shizu-chan...can we go up to the room. So I can put on a shirt. I don't want creepy Erika looking at me with no shirt."
Shizuo looked kinda suprised and just stayed quiet for a moment.
I have to admitt he had a point but..upatairs...in the bedroom....alone? I don't know if I could handle if I were in that situation.
Despite his desperate thoughts he   nodded to Izaya and helped him stand. Shizuo told the other two, who were having there own conversation about celty' s horse/bike, that they would be right back. As they walked away Izaya tryed to ignore there snickers and jokes of them having sex.
Shizuo wouldn't try anything in this condition..would He? If so I don't think it would be all that bad I mean it's no different than when we normally have sex.
They walked into the room and Izaya quickly stripped off his sweatshirt. Shizuo had to turn away, risiting the erge to push him on the bed and have sex with him now. Shizuo risked a turn around and Izaya was walking to his closet to get a shirt. His muscles visible with every movment. Shizuos eyes locked on and his mind went wild.
He's so close. I could just wrap my arms around his thin waist and push him against the wall. He's not wearing underwear so the only thing in my way would be those baggy sweatpants which would take me seconds to discard. I can just imagine every part of his body trembling with ecstasy as I run my hand delicately over his soft skin. Id take him hard and as he crys out my name I'll fill up his familiar hole with my liquid before repeating that act over and over and over again. The room would be painted in white sperm.
Shizuo was yanked out of his thoughts by the questioning hum Izaya gave him. Now in a brand new black shit he got a few days ago. Izaya began to walk to Shizuo but tripped on air and came face first to the ground. Thankfully Shizuo was fast enough to catch him. Izaya, drunk and mostly out of his right mind, crawled into Shizuos arms and kissed his neck. Shizuo wanted to stop him but the words just wouldn't come out. Instead he picked up Izaya and took him to the bed setting him down. If he couldn't stop Izaya with words then he would stop him with action. if Izaya didn't understand this then he was too drunk. After Shizuo tucked in Izaya he went to leave but Izaya grabbed his arm and, with secret strength Shizuo didn't know he had, Izaya pulled Shizuo down on the bed. Crawling halfway into his lap and kissing him passionately while his arms wrapped around Shizuos waist. Shizuo enjoyed the kiss and even kissed back. When they parted for air Shizuo whisperes into Izayas ear. Izaya smiled and layed down on the bed agreeing he would go to sleep. After sitting next to Izaya until he fell asleep Shizuo rushed to the bathroom and sat in the corner while he umbuckle his pants and played out the sex scene of him and Izaya. Shizuo's hand pumping fast enough to beat Flash. Shizuo imagined the face Izaya would make while he orgasmed. Then, immediately after thinking that, he shot out a long hard stream of sperm as he finally relaxed. After cleaning up he went down stairs to tell the two he was going to bed but found they were already asleep on the couch. He sighed and disided to leave them, being to inebriated to care. He made his way back upstairs and layed down next to Izaya. Seconds later the Neko roled over and baried his face in Shizuos chest, whisper one last sentence before falling asleep.
"I love you Shizuo"
Thanks so much for readimg and sorry again for the wait but next chapter I have a clear idea what i want to do. I might even publish it today but I have a bunch of bread to make so idk. I'll try.
thanks again and have a good day!

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