14 First Date 14

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(OK. Im so so so so so sorry!!! I know i said i would update forever ago and i still haven't but i had a bunch of things going on at school and i haven't had time to write. But here it is at long last)
Shizuo's Pov-
I am happy.
Yes i know it seems a little weird to hear that coming from me but just to have izaya back and smiling at me again is definitely something that bring a smile to my lips...
But i think i could live without every person in ikebukaro staring at me and izaya walking hand and hand down the street. Izaya was ecstatic. He was jumping left and right pointing at windows and store talking about jobs he went to at said places or jist how much he like it. We had gotten quite a lot of stares and people whispering. Then a group of girls walking by just weren't quiet enough with there gossip.
"(girl 1)after all this time of fighting and suddenly there friends, possible lovers.(girl 2)It probably BS. I mean i bet shizuo thinks its real but this is probably just a game izaya's playing on him.(girl 3)Ya. There's no way he's actually genuine.(girl 4) izaya isn't even capable of love right?"
I turn to go after the girls but izaya pulled my hand. I look down at him and hes just looking forward and continues walking.
"leave them. They can say what they want..(looks up at me and close eyed smiles)..I just want to spent some time with you"
He had his eyes closed but i knew he was trying not to cry. He's a lot more emotional than he seems. and the fact that his smile looked so real just pissed me off all the more. I yank his arm to me and he falls into my chest. The second he looks up at me with questioning eyes, i smash my lips on to his. I heard people around us gasp and whisper bit i jist held onto his waist tighter and deepened the kiss. After a moment Izaya kissed back and we soon parted then after. I looked at him, straight in the eyes, And spoke, loud enough for anyone close enough to hear.
"I love You, Izaya Orihara"
He stood surprised for a moment but without hesitation responded, Also loud enough for everyone to hear.
"I love you too Shizuo"
The few people around us who heard began to whisper to the others and everyone was now looking at us in surprise. I look at Izaya before turning to the crowd.
"fuck off! all of you! we can love who we want and it has nothing to do with you."
I grabbed Izaya's hand and started walking in the only direction i know people wouldn't be...
The old park.
I broke it a few years back in a fight with izaya but they haven't fixed it so no one comes to it cause 'its to dangerous'. I sit on a bench and izaya sits next to me and looks around the park.
" I remember this fight. I remember getting flustered when I accidently cut of your shirt and when you grinned at me my stomach went wild with butterflies."
He giggled and fell back on my shoulder and wiggled himself onto my lap. He had his back against my chest and his feet on my knees. I had my arms wrapped around his waist and my head in the crook of his neck, just keeping his sent fresh in my mind cause i never know when i might loose him.
"hey shizuo.."
I hummed in response but didn't move.
"why did we ever hate each other. What was it really that made you hate me in the first place?"
Now i lifted my head. I heard the hurt in his voice and i knee he was thinking of the cruel things i probably said in the past.
"please Shizuo...I need to hear it  even if its cruel. I want to know."
I looked down as a group of ants surrounded a spider. The spider was bigger yes but he was still afraid of the ants. He tried to get away but the ants had caught him and riped him apart, carrying his body parts back to the grass in a line.
Izaya looked back at me confused. But i wouldn't meet his eyes.
I took a deep breath and let it out heavily before finally looking up at his expecting eyes.
"it was fear. I was afraid of what my emotions would bring. How my feeling for you would hurt me...Or you. So i hid my emotions with anger and rage and hate. Ad for the longest time it worked. But then when we had stayed together i saw those little things about you all to clear and couldn't help falling in love with you again...."
I felt my face heat up and i turned my head away to hid my embarrassment. But Izaya was grinning from ear to ear. He put a hand on my cheek and turned my head back to face him. With a sweet smile and a tear coming down his face he pulled my face to his, connecting out lips. Its started sweet and caring but the longer it lasted the more heated it got. I nibbled on his bottom lip, asking for entry and he allowed it without a moments hesitation while turning himself around in my lap so he was now straddling me. My tounge explored his mouth untill he wrapped his tounge around mine and sucked on it hard while grinding against me. My pants started to get tight and i could tell izaya was getting impatient.
Time to go home.
I pulled out of the kiss and whispered in his ear before we got up to leave. Making out way home a little faster then normal.
Sorry for the long wait. I was completely stuck on this chapter. I had NO CLUE what to write. so sorry if it's bad but next chapter will be EXTRA smutty and :( LAST CHAPTER..... BUT i have another shizaya one in the making so not long untill more shizaya. Thanks for reading.

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