7 Naughty Time 7

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Izaya's Pov~
What am I doing. I'm purposely egging him on. and I dont think I'm making him mad. do i wanna do it with Shizuo? I.. think I do. This morning when he was playing with himself. I felt kinda..turned on. Well I guess it's to late to turn back now. Shizuo snapped and grabbed my arms pushing me against the wall. He kiss me hard while slipping a hand up my shirt. He moved to kissing my neck searching for my sweet spot. He bit down on the curve of my neck and a pleasurable feeling shot throw my body making me moan. Shizuo grinned against my skin as he continues to bite and suck at that same spot while his hand pinches my nipples. My body already felt hot and I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning, which Shizuo didn't like. He grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled both my legs up so I had my legs wrapped around his waist. He grinded on me and I accidentally let a moan slip out. I covered my mouth and Shizuo chuckled. He stops biting my neck and puts a hand on my back to keep me sabalized as he walks up the stairs and to my bedroom. He throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me. He pulls my shirt over my head and I quickly unbutton his. I would have ripped it open but was afraid he would get mad. Once both our shirts were off he went back to kissing my neck and then trailed kisses all the way down my body till he made it to my pants. He slid them off and threw them, to some were in the room, and then started licking the outside of my underwear. I moaned every time I felt his tounge slide across the fabric and it rub against my member. He took off my underwear and I almost cumed just from that but was able to stop myself. But I'm not sure how long I'll last from this. Shizuo immediately took my member in his mouth and began sucking on it. My hands flew into his hair and my legs created two walls around his head. My back was arched due to the amount of pleasure I was feeling. I couldn't take it anymore
"s-shizu-chan..im c-cumming!"
Shizuo picked up his speed untill I released my load into his mouth, swallowing almost all of it. I layed there with one arm over my head and covering one eye. My face red and heart beating fast while a little bit of drool falls from my mouth. Shizuo looks at my and widened his eyes. He began to umbuckle his pants but I stopped him with my hand. I finished unbucklong his pants and pulled them off. I push him down on the bed and take off his boxers. His member was hard and erected but some what inciting. I took his whole member in my mouth and sucked on it while bobbing my head and twirling my tounge around it. I picked up my pace with the guidance of Shizuo and he quickly climaxed in my mouth. I tried to swallow as much as I could but it was alot so it was kinda hard. I somehow managed to and Shizuo sat up grabbing me from around the waist and pulling me into a passionate kiss. He flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees and he starts to lick my hole. I widen my eyes and start to figgit.
"n-no. not there is d-dirty"
Shizuo sticks his fingers in my hole and I let out a moan. I cover my mouth and bite my lip to hold in the moans. Two of shizuo's fingers were in my hole wetting and stretching it. I moaned through my hand until he finally stopped. I panted trying to catch my breath. Shizuo leans over me and whispered in my ear.
"I'm gonna put it in. don't worry I promise ill be as gentle as I can."
He kissed my neck while he slowly slid it in. It hurt so much. I yelled out in pain. My arms gave out and my face landed in the pillow. Shizuo waited for me to adjust which I was thankful for. I purred a bit to let him know he could move. My voice wasn't working so I couldn't tell him. Shizuo started slow but I was too impatient so I started to move my hips with him to make it go faster. I think he got the message and leaned over me again and stables himself with one hand on my shoulder and the other on the bed next to me. He slammed into me faster and faster. I was a moaning mess and let out a pleasured yelp when he bit down on my cat ear. He pulled out and flipped me around then slammed back into me. He held my legs up as he plowed into me. It felt so good. He pulled almost all the way out except his tip and slammed all the way back in and hit my sweet spot. I let out a loud moan and then they just wouldn't stop as Shizuo kept hitting my sweet spot. I knew I was about to cum and I felt Shizuos member twitch, meaning he was at his climax too.
"s-shizu-chan~ I'm gonna.."
"me too. just hold on a little longer"
He bent over me and kisses my jaw bone as he made the final thrust and we both cumed together. My cum went all up out chests and his filled me up and spilled out a bit. Shizuo pulled out and collapsed next to me. We were both panting like crazy and were so tired. Shizuo wraps a hand around my chin and pulls it towards him so we were face to face. He leans in and plants a soft, loving kiss on my lips and I kiss back just as lovingly. He flips me around so do were spooning and wraps his arms around my waist. then pulled the covers over us. I placed my arms on his and wrapped my tail around his leg. Just as I began to feel sleep consume me I hear Shizuo whisper in my ear.
"I love you~, damn flea"
"...i love you too shizu-chan~"
Erika's Pov~
I was doing my usual spying on Izaya and noticed he was finally home. He walked in the house looking like a girl which was weird but then he changed back into normal informant clothes. But I was aww struck when I saw Shizuo slam him against the wall and start kissing him. I had to take pictures. Real pictures for my fanfiction. Yes! I pull out my camera and snap a picture of blushing Izaya having his neck kissed and Shizuo grinding on him. Then they moved to the room and had to follow. But izaya's room in on the second floor and didn't have a balcony for me to climb on so I slowly opened that door that led into izaya's house. As I slowly and quietly made my way up the stairs I heard Izaya moaning. I had blood dripping down my face and was FIGHTING my inner fangirl to stay quiet. I peak through the cracked door and see Shizuo giving Izaya a blow job. Which of course I took pictures off. The whole time they were banging eachother I was snapping photos and taking recordings. But once they lay under the covers after they were done I turned up my recorder and was able to catch the three key words that will sail my ship. Once I got it I quickly left his apartment and ran to the van screaming and giggling like an idiot. Once I got to the van I showed everyone my photos and recording. I had the pictures printed out and I put them in my book and I put the recordings on a usb and put in a locker I kept around my neck. Then worked on my fanfiction. Writing in the part were they finally have sex. Once I finish this I think I'm gonna send a copy to Izaya. ya I'll do that. But what should I name it....i got it!
Meow Meow Shizu-Chan!
ok so i lied. I guess I did put something important in the chapter but It fit with the moment. Anyway I'll just summarize it in the next chapter so it's fine.
but thx for reading and hope you liked it.

I LOVE this picture

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I LOVE this picture. it makes me laugh EVERY time. I've also seen it with ereri but I didn't have that downloaded and couldn't find it again. I looked for one that was for shizaya but I couldn't find one. But but I love this ship as well so ya its good too but I thought maybe I could make some of you smile with my random yaoi ship pictures.

Meow Meow Shizu-Chan!!!(shizuya)Where stories live. Discover now