8 Celabrate! Drinking Game? P1 8

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picture had NOTHING to do with the story I just thought it was funny
ok so last chapter, for those of you who didn't read it, not much happened but it's kind a important for later on in the story.  But what happened was after, or should i say during, the time Shizuo and Izaya were having sex Erika was taking pictures and recording and then showed them to all the people who hang out in the van with her. she also printed out the pictures,putting them in her fanfiction, and put the recordings on a usb, that she put in a locket she wears around her neck. And ahe disided that once the fanfiction was complete she would send a copy to shizaya(meaning both of them). If you want that in better detail then just read the end of last chapter. it's switched POV so it will be easy to find. thx for reading anyway though and hope you enjoy the chapter.
Shizuo's Pov~
It's been a week since me and Izaya first had sex, and two days since the last time we did. In the moment we both say we love the other but we havnt officilized a relationship. Obviously we didn't tell anyone and don't plan to. We have been staying at Izaya's place instead since he feels more comfortable there. He is currently in the kitchen making us breakfast. I'm sitting on the bar stool and just watching as he moves swiftly around the kitchen. He very quietly hums to himself as he slides the bacon in the oven and then proceeds to cut some vegetables for omelets. He was wearing a dark blue apron that was trimmed with white(same apron that haru wears in free, except not as long)
And it came down to about mid thigh on him. He slept half naked last night so he is cooking with only black sweatpants and the apron on. When he turns around I can better see his slim figure and his slightly built back. I slowly make my way over to him and wrap my arms around him from behind. slightly scaring him into dropping a peice of a bell pepper.
"shizu-chan.. you made me drop stuff. Don't sneak up on me like that"
I kiss behind his cat ear and whisper to him lovingly.
"but I couldn't help myself. you just looked so cute in this apron"
Izaya blushed and turned around in my arms to face me. He layed his arms around my neck and pulled slightly so our faces were closer but not touching.
"(blush) shizu-chan. Don't just say things like that it makes me flustered"
"but you look cute when your flustered"
He blushes more and we lean in for a kiss. our lips touch and I feel Izaya pulling on my hair. I guess we're gonna do it again. I spin us around and push him up on the counter. His legs wrap around me and his hands yank on my hair. His tail quivered out of pleasure. Our mouths were still connected and we have shifted into a tounge battle. I slide one of my hands down his waist to his hips, were his pants sat, about to pull off his pants.
Unfortunately we were disrupted by a crazy doctor bursting through the door with his arms in the air, singing  some stupid gibberish. We all froze. His eyes wide, and jaw dropped. And me and Izaya still in each others grasp but frozen in place, unaware of what to do now.  Then to my surprise Shinra threw his arms up and screamed.
And with that Shinra ran out of the house again leaving a confused and surprised Izaya and me in the kitchen, still in the same position. After a few minutes of not moving still trying to figure out what happened. We finally registered what the crazy doctor had planned for us and I sighed while laying my head on izaya's shoulder, holding him closer to me.
"Shizu-chan we should probably go get dressed before he gets back."
"Shizuo. come on I don't wanna look so week and vonrable in front of the crazy doctor. he'll never let me hear the end of it"
He used my full name which I can never turn down. I step back and let him go.
Izaya's Pov~
I walk away from Shizuo and calmly walk up to my bed room. I close the door and lock it them immediately falong back on it pantinging. Shizuo always has some way of just instantly making me want him. As soon as our lips touch I feel hot and when our tounges battle for dominance I get horny and impatient. If he was drugging me i'd know, God I feel bad for just saying that. But I'd feels unnatural.
maybe I just...love him that much.
I'm a little upset that he still hasn't asked about a relationship. we sleep together, kiss, and say we love each other. so why havnt we made it official.
whatever I need to get dressed. I'll just wear me normal informant outfit. The black skinny jeans and my turtle neck with my coat. I grab my clothes and set them on the bed as I go to take off my pants. I was surprised to see the large erection in my pants.
Dammit Shizuo!!
I put my swear pants back on and grab a dark blue zip up hoodie instead and put it over my shirtless chest. The sweatpants are baggy enough to hide my erection. It will go away in about 30 minutes if Shizuo just dosnt touch me. Not like  'oops I bumped into you' no more like 'hey I'm gonna wrap my arms around your waist and kiss behind your ear'.
I unlock the door and go back downstairs and pull the bacon out of the oven putting in on a large plate in the middle of the table. The rest I put away since I wasn't hungry anymore and Shizuo didn't want any in the first place he just wanted to watch me walk around the kitchen while he imagined fucking me hard on the counter and-No!
I was yanked out of my thoughts as I felt my erection grow again. DAMN and it just started to go down. Nice one Izaya. The wind blew from the open window and sent goosebumps through my body, and the sensation it brought to my member made me very lightly, and as quiet as I can possibly be, I moaned. I put my hands on the counter and put my head down trying to keep in the moan that wants to shoot from inside me and have Shizuo have his way with me. But we couldn't do that now. Shinra will be back soon. But God I wanted it. I breathed slowly and was almost ok to get back to cleaning up but I was put back in my previous state when shizuo called out my name.
"Izaya? what's wrong? what was that sound?"
Oh God he heard. now he's not gonna want to wait. he'll throw shinra out and fuck me right on the wall. I felt a wave of hormones. Just thinking about it makes me horny.
"uh. ya I just...the breeze was cold"
That's not a lie. . . But but it's also not the whole truth. Shizuo got up and took a step towards me with a growing smirk. But then the door flung open again and Shinra came in with a pile of paper. I asked Shizuo to close the window real quick and he did asumming I was cold. i wasn't all the cold but I didn't want these papers flying away and I needed a second with him not close enough to grab me an- Stop it!!
Once Shizuo came back Shinra unfolded the papers with his notes of his reasearch about my ears and tail.
tbh I forgot about them for a while there. maybe it was Shizuo.
apparently there was this toxic waist that was apparently thrown into the trashy, nasty place the bums hang around here. So Shinras first theory was I ran threw there before when I ran form Shizuo. But of course I shot that down when I informed him Shizuo chased me home threw the streets were there were lots of vending machines so I didn't go through anything like that. So he went on to ask me questions about that day and I told him exactly what happened d while he took notes and compared them to other. then he came up with what must have happens. And I kinda don't doubt that it happened like this. So that gay guy from the bar who touched me must have either had a cat or fucked a cat or even just pet a cat that had gone threw that toxic stuff and so when he reached into my pants it must have rubbed it off on me. The reason why it's a cat specifically is because I have cat features so it would make the most sense that it was a cat. and Shinras friend knew someone who went through the same thing but with a dog, and she cused him. So the plan was for shinra and other girl crazy doctor are gonna work together to make a cure but for a cat and then I'm good. We were talking for hours. all of which i was doing my best to avoid Shizuo.By the time we have everything delt with its already almost dinner. So as Shinra grabbed all his stuff and put it in his bag, I started dinner. then he turn to look back at us smiling like an idiot. I knew he would  stand there till someone asked so I did.
"what is it Shinra"
"we have to CELEBRATE. how about we play drinking games. Oh i have the PERFECT one!!"
"no! what are we even celebrating?"
"you and shizuo's relationship!"
I was about to open my mouth but Shizuo appeared out of no where and grabs my hips. pulling me back enough that I was pressed against him, then he wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed. I have been avoiding him this whole time because whenever my erection even begins to calm down Shizuo would do something to bring it back up again. Now I knew it wasn't gonna go away. Shizuo puts his head on mine and answers Shinra for me since I'm so flustered and horny that I can't even speak.
"that sounds fun shinra. But we don't have any alcohol so you should go and by some. And maybe visit celty for about 45 minutes or so."
I knew Shizuo winked at him cause I felt the shift of his face on my head. Shinra got it immediately and blushed then left. As he walked to that door something inside me began to shake. I was excited. As soon as that door closed I spun as fast as I can to face Shizuo and slammed him into a wall and began to kiss him.
I wanted hi- no. I needed him.
and I needed him now
so next chapter is not really a chapter its just the sex Izaya and Shizuo are about to have. I felt like writing a lemon so I did. ill try to make it as detailed and well written as I can. But this chapter has a part two. of the actually drinking part. now that is a chapter that comes after sex.

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