12 Well That Happened! 12

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Shizuo's Pov-
I was crouched down picking up the glass,while the c- while Izaya sat on the bed. He swished his tail back and forth and glared at me like it was my fault. I just sighed and tried to think about a logical way to deal with this.
Well I obviously have to take him to Shinra and it wont be as hard as before because he's just a cat now but what if this ca- what if Izaya is different. Like he doesn't have the memories or soul of Izaya. I'm not very good with cats...
I picked up a piece of glass and it slipped from my hands making a deep cut on my palm. I cursed under my breath and just ignored it as I went to re-pick up the glass but stopped at the sound of a ' thud' over by the bed. I look over and see the c- I mean Izaya face first into the ground. He stood up and shook himself like nothing happened and trotted over to me. I was confused for a second but I guess this would be the time to see if its still him in there. I put my hand out to him to smell, back side up, and he glares at me and then turns around my hand. A pool of blood had formed in the few seconds that it was over and I think I might need stiches for this damn thing. I was about to pull my hand back but the c- but Izaya started licking the wound.
I tried to pull away my hand but Izaya just bit into it and pulled it back to him and continued to lick it till all the blood was gone. He trotted into the bathroom, made alot of noise, and came back out with a bandage wrap that he somehow was able to put on with his paws and his teeth. Once he was done he sat back and looked acomplished. I blinked a few times and was about to say something when the c- ahh! I mean Izaya beat me to it.
"gosh Shizu-chan you should be more careful"
I blinked a few tines till the gears in my head clicked.
"HUH!!?!! You can talk!?!"
"well ya. Why wouldnt I? I may look like a cat but Im still human"
I just stare at him dumbfounded and then just sighed and picked up the glass.
I threw all the glass away into the trash can that was in the bathroom and see Izaya just curled up into a cinniman roll on the bed. His eyes closed and a soft purr coming out of him. I walk over to him and slowly pet his back and his purs got louder. I sat next to him, to be more comfortable, and continued to pet him untill I felt my eyes getting heavy. I layed down next to him and continued to pet him untill I blacked out and fell into a sweet dream.
-time skip-
I wake up to the sound of my cell phone going off and I sit up to get it. But I felt something heavy on my lap and saw that Izaya was curled up on my lap and sleeping away.
Fucking Adorable Izaya. Why do you do this to me?
I grabbed my phone trying to move as little as possible, flipped it open, and brought it to my ear.
It was Shinra
"hey Shizuo! I left my lab coat at Izaya's and hes not answering his phone. You think you could get it for me. Since you two practically live together"
"well why dont you just come and get it. I need your help anyways"
"really? whats up?"
"well Izaya wasnt answering his phone because I dont think he can pick it up with cat paws"
"hes growing more cat parts!"
"no he is a cat. A full grown black cat with crimson eyes and sleeps to much."
"are you sure its him and not some stray?"
"positive. I dont think a stray can talk and call me Shizu-Chan"
"He talks too!!! I'll be over right away!!"
The phone went out and I sighed and threw my phone on the bed but it bounced off and onto the floor making a loud clatterng noise. I flinched and slowly turned my head to look at Izaya to see him now awake and glaring knives at me.
"hehehe. uh goodmorning Izaya. did um...Did you sleep well"
I said with a nervous smile. He sits up and continues to glare at me.
"do you know why cats sleep so much?"
He said cooly while still sitting on my lap.
"uh no. I thought it was just a cat thing"
His glare hardened and he dug his claws into my thighs, slowly.
"because there tiny bodies need to use so much energy. Thats why the sleep every second they can so they are able to put up with idiotic humans ever day!"
His claws were fully extended and I think it was suppose to hurt, but it didnt.
"alright you tempermental cat. Shinra will be here any moment. So let go so i can go get dressed"
Izaya just rolled his eyes and retracted his claws and walked over to the pillow. I stood up and left the room and got dressed in my normal bartender uniform. Then went back to get Izaya who was asleep again curled on the pillow.
Hes gonna kill me for this but whatever.
I walk over to him and scoop him up in my arms. He woke immediatly and mreowed at me.
"Shizu-chan! put me down. I was sleeping!!"
I kissed his nose and I could tell he was embarrassed even though his fur was too black to see a blush.
"S-Shizu-chan!! w-w-what are you doing!?"
I smirked at him craddled his small cat body.
"you may look like a cat but your still my Izaya and your just as adorable as before."
He had a look of supprise and I think I could almost see a blush. How cute. I leaned in to kiss his nose again but I heard the doorbell ring. I sighed and walked down the stairs still holding cat Izaya, who has his head burried and his claws in my shirt. I open the door and see not only Shinra but also Celty and..Ugg...Erika. Shinra imediatly came in and started setting up a testing lab(I think), that Izaya phisically shuddered over, and Celty helped him. Erika was aww struck by Izaya and kept trying to pet him but he would just claw at her and snuggle closer to my chest. I found it adorable. But I was suprised when Erika pulled a stuffed animal cat with a mini identical version of Izaya's coat.
She held it out to me while explaining a very stupid story that I really didnt care to hear.
"I bet your wondering why im here. Well its because...I wanted to give you this! its a stuft animal Izaya cat with his signature coat. But I see I dont really need to give you an izaya cat when you already have one"
She looked over at the couch and I followed her gaze to izayas coat sitting on the arm of the furniture, not being worn for who knows how long. Erika then, I assume, got an idea and screeched in my ear in excitment. She pulled the stuft animal cat back to her and pulled the jacket off and then yanked izaya out of my arms. Izaya, being him and a cat, struggled as much as he could but knew he wouldn't be able to break away from Erika, so in turn just gave in. She slipped the mini coat on to Izaya and set him on the ground. He turned his head to look at the coat then walked a bit, and sat down, and rolled around. When he was sure of its comfort he sighed and turned to Erika who was beaming in delight.
"...Thank you..."
Erika looked suprised and so did Celty. Shinra looked up too but wasnt as suprised as the other two.
"oh ya I forgot to tell you two, he can talk too"
Both Erika and Celty glared at Shinra but he didnt see it, for he was busy doing his work/setup. Izaya jumped back into my arms and purred quietly so no one but me could here him.
god...I hope he never leaves. These turn of events...have made me realize just how much I love him. And I always will.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and it just makes me so happy to know that 500+ people have read this story and i am SO SORRY for taking so long to update i hope you can forgive me.
Anyway thanks again and hope you liked this chapter.

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