4 Naughty Shizu-Chan 4

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I love this song. and I didn't have a picture for this chapter so I thought "this is a naughty song so it kinda fits" plus it's got shizaya as the picture so it fits even better now.
ok so this chapter is gonna be kinda short and is NOT ok for kids.
I mean of if you want you can but read at you own risk.
As the title suggests, Shizuo is not gonna be doing the most appropriate things so If you want to skip this chapter that is fine you won't miss anything except a good nosebleed.
anyway let's get on with the story. thanks for reading
Shizuo's Pov~
After Izaya had accidentally touched it I hasn't calmed down. I rushed to my room after that and have been sitting on the floor next to my closet. I locked the door to be sure Izaya couldn't come in. The water from the bath slowly slid and fell off my muscles. I sat with my head in my hands and thought. about Izaya. His adorable sleeping face. or the way he looked so helpless below me as I held the shower head above him. Or when he had woken up and I teased him. The bashful adorable look he tried so hard to hide. As I thought of Izaya I felt myself get even harder. This isn't going to just go away. I'll have to deal with it myself. I slowly wrap my already dry hand around my hard, erected member. I started slow just basically rubbing myself. But as I begin to imagine Izaya bitting on his lip to hold in his moans as he lays underneath me completely helpless to me as I pleasure him. I inadvertently began to move my hand faster. I bent over myself a bit as if I was trying to curl into a ball. I couldn't stop seeing a defenseless Izaya giving himself to me to ravish untill until I felt I was done. The sound he made when I tugged on his tail echoed through my head as I pumped faster and faster. it felt so good. I couldn't help but quietly moan his name to myself.
I was reaching my limit and just before I released I saw a image of Izaya cumming with me inside him. His face red and mouth open and drooling. Eyes half lidded in lust while screaming my name. My cum filling him and slightly spilling out as I pull out of him. I covered my mouth to keep myself as quite as possible as my cum shot out of my member I wasn't sure if I was still wet from the bath or from the sweat that had accumulated from my "fun time". I slowly pullyself to my feet and clean myself up as best as I can before going out to Izaya.
Izaya's Pov~
I got out of the bath and dryed then emptyed the tub. After, I got clean clothes on which was one of shizu-chan's white button up shirts and my boxers from before. they didn't get dirty when I fell so I thought it's better than nothing.
"I'll have to have Shizuo take me back to my apartment later to get some of my clothes and stuff"
I plop down on the couch and yawn. Feeling awfully sleepy for some reason. Damn cat traits. As I curl up I feel my ears twitch in the direction of shizuo's room. I thought I heard my name... Maybe Shizuo needs me? no if he was calling my he would be yelling it. is he talking about me to soneone?
Out of curiosity I slowly and quietly walk over to shizuo's room and lean toward the door to hear him. My eyes widen at what I hear. I could hear the slapping of skin on skin and the sound of liquid squishing together.
Was shizuo... masturbating...
I could hear it so well I could almost see it. But what really caught me off guard was when I heard him moan my name and his speed pick up. I blushed hard.
I wasn't sure how to feel. I thought I was disgusted but I'm not so sure. After he climaxed moaning my name I wasn't sure what to do. Hearing him stand up scared me into running quietly back to the couch. I threw myself on the couch and pulled my legs up to my chest. I was still red and I couldn't get the image out of my head of Shizuo masturbating to me. Why me? I thought he hated me. Wait...is that what I felt in the tub?! I heard Shizuo start to walk toward his door and I quickly layed down and curled up, pretending I'm asleep. Shizuo comes out and stops at the couch and sees me 'asleep'. He sighs and leans down to scratch behind my ears and I couldn't help but pur. After a moment he slowly pulled away and let out a long, loud sigh and put his hand to his face. Resting over his eyebrows and coming down causing a mask to be made out of his hand. He slowly shakes his head and looks back down at me and whispers to himself, but I could obviously hear it.
"What are you doing to me Izaya?"
well the last part was. The rest of it was just steamy.
well I feel like this is gonna be awkward for Izaya now.
know someone, who you have to stay with, masturbated to you isn't always the best thing to know.
sometimes it's better if you just didn't know they did it.
anyway thanks for reading and hope you liked it for those of you who read it.
and if you skipped its perfectly ok. I understand if you don't want to read this stuff. it's not for everyone.
But thx again and keep reading to see were Neko Izaya and Shizuo go next in there relationship.

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