11 Hangovers Suck! 11

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OMG. I am so so so so so so so sorry i havnt updated! I just couldnt think of were to go and my inspiration was just gone. But i dont want to keep you from the story any longer. Enjoy~
Izayas Pov-
I woke up tangled in sheets. I turned to Shizuo for help but he wasn't there. The clostraphobia sinking in I began to struggle wildly, making the sheets tighten around me more. I started wining and was about to scream but Shizuo ran through the door and immediately ripped the sheets off. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up, cradling me in his arms.
"are you ok?"
"um...ya (-///-)"
I was embarrassed to be seen like that but also a little happy that Shizuo came to save me. I snuggled into his chest and took a deep breath, breathing in his all too familiar sent. I lifted my head to say something to him but then pain shot through my head. I cursed and put a hand to my temple.
"Fuck....damn Hangovers"
I crawled out of shizuos arms and made my way downstairs for coffee. I didn't even notice the two people sitting at my dinning table until I had gotten my coffee and kissed the Shizuo who just walked into the kitchen. The giggles and 'aww' caught my attention and I sighed.
"what are you two still doing here? Isn't Celty worried about you?"
Shinra took a sip of his coffee, that had a mound of wipe creme, and lifted his phone in the air to show me.
"I texted her when I woke up that I was celebrating with you guys so I would be home later."
Erika contained her giggles and added onto the story for no other reason than to make sure we knew she was there.
"he said 'I'm sorry' so many times I thought it was the only word in his vocabulary"
Erika made a weird impression of Shinra when she said 'I'm sorry'. Shinra scoffed and smirked.
Erika laughed and glared slightly.
"you can't just say random gibberish and expect it to sound smart."
"it's not gibberish it's the longest word in the English dictionary. its a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano."
"ya right"
The two argued for another few minutes getting louder and louder and with them my head pounded more and more until I just couldn't take it anymore
I grabbed both off them by there hair with strength no one knew I had and physically threw them out of my house. Slamming and locking the door behind them. I turn around and go to take a step but I suddenly feel week and fall back on the door, making a 'oof' sound as I do. Shizuo poped his head around the corner as I slid down the door. He rushes to me and puts his hands out like he's gonna grab my shoulders but dosnt move any closer. I pant and feel swear drops falling down my face.
"what the hell is going on?"
"this dosnt seem like just any hangover. Izaya you might be getting sick."
My ears stuck to my head at those words. I remember when I would get sick as a child and my parents....
I don't want to remember that.
Before I could say anything further Shizuo lifted me up bridal style and took me up to me room. After gentle setting me down he turned around to get medicine but it didn't matter because I was already asleep.
~time skip~
When I woke the world seemed diffrent. I felt so...small. The bed was high off the ground. Am I delusional.
what kind of sickness is this! I hear loud stomps coming towards the room. It sounded like a giant walking in here.
I panicked.
I jumped out from under the covers and went to go hide in the closet but my feet went working. then I noticed it. My feet went working because-
Thanks for reading sorry this is

a trick!!

scroll down some more to continue the story. Sorry I just couldn't help it. it seems like a great cliffhanger and I hope your reactions were funny.
I'm a Cat!! and an actual one. fur, paws, and whiskers. The whole shebang. What is this!!
The (now) huge door swings open to reveal a large Shizuo with a bowl of water and a rag. He looks at me then the bathroom then me again. And i could just see the relization sink in as the bowl slipped from his fingers.
-Shizuo's Pov-
I walk up the stairs with a bowl of cold water and a fever rag for Izaya. I dont know whats going on but its obviously not something minor like a hangover. He might be really sick. I'll call Shinra later.
I reach for the door knob but stop when i hear meows.
What if he's just sitting on his bed meowing like a cat and playing with yarn.
That would be adorable.
Stop it Shizuo. This is not the time to be fantasizing. Izaya needs to be cared for while he's like this. Especially since he's a cat, who knows whst kind of matabalizum cats have.
I grab the handle and pish open the door to see Izaya gone and a little black cat in his place.
He must have gone to the bathroom.
I turn my head to the bathroom door that is open with the lights off and no one inside. Then i turn my head back to the cat, he looks frantic, trying to get down from the bed. It looks over the edge of the bed like its a canyon.
Wait thats a full grow cat. So shouldnt it have just jumped off like it was nothing.
I was confused and worried. Wear is Izaya!
But then the cat looked me in the eyes and i into his. Thats when i relized, fron the sight of those crimson eyes that only one man could have, that cat WAS Izaya.
I was so lost in thought that i lost my grip on the bowl, dropping it to shatter on the ground.
Sorry it took so long but i hope you liked it. And keep reading to find out more about Izaya's sudden change. (btw the pic is izaya but he dosnt have the coat yet)

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