2 Stuck with Shizu-chan! 2

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Shizuo's Pov~
I take the flea, or should i say cat, back to my apartment and plop down on my couch already exhausted with being with him for only for about half an hour. Izaya crawls up on the back of the couch above me and grins as he swishes his tail micheviously.
"what do you want, fur ball?"
"I don't know. I'm bored and messing with Shizu-Chan sounds fun"
"well don't or I'll kill you."
Izaya wraps his tail around my chin pulling my head to face him. Our faces close enough to feel each others breath. I blush at the closeness and Izaya smirks.
"aww Shizu-Chan. your blushing. how cute."
I smack his tail away and stand up abruptly, trying to contain my anger.
"I'm gonna go shower. I swear to god flea if you try leaving I'm gonna kill you this time"
"I won't leave. I'm having to much fun with shizu-chan."
He swished his tail back and forth and grinned at me.
I leave before I punch him.
I come out of the shower with a towel around my neck drying my hair, and shirtless. I see Izaya curled up on the couch, asleep. His ears twitched every few seconds.
He's so...cute? what the he'll am I saying. he's just a stupid flea with ears and a tail.
I shake my head furiously to get the thought out of it. After a few minutes I began to get dizzy from all the shaking and just gave up, sitting next to him on the couch with a sigh. I lay my head back and feel movment on the couch so I look down and Izaya stretches like a cat, laying on his side now with his head in my lap. I was gonna yell at him and realized he is still asleep. I just roll my eyes and leave it, for now. I look at his ear and without thinking reached out and rubbed them and scratched behind them and was surprised to hear Izaya start purring. I laugh to myself and think of how adorable he looks, again beating myself up after. I continue to scratch his ears untill his purring began to put me to sleep and I fell asleep over the adorable flea.
~time skip~
I wake up late in the evening, surrounded by darkness, and see that Izaya is completely curled up on me. I sigh and pick up my phone to check the time and the bright light from the screen temporarily blinds me. I grunt and adjust the brightness to low. It's almost 11 o'clock. I look back down at the sleeping cat and sigh. I tried to pick him up but her started to shift further into my lap. i gave up, being to tired to handle it, and pulled the throw off from behind the couch and layed it over the both of us. I look down at his sleeping face one more time.
damn. He is kinda adorable. fuck! stop it shizou. he's just a stupid flea who messes with people's lives. Stop feeling for him!...do I feel for him?
I shake off the thought and fell asleep.
Izaya's Pov~
I woke up the next morning stretching like a cat. once I had stretched my back up, I relaxed back down on the pillow that was on the couch.
I realize that the 'pillow' I was on was really Shizuo. Who was asleep with his head layed back.
there was a blanket that was wrapped around us but now I'm sitting on it.
did i...sleep on...shizu-chan..
I jump back in suprise and fell on the table, knocking his ash tray on me and the coffee he had from last night. Shizuo woke up searching around for whatever trouble was going on. His eyes fall on me, while I'm on the ground covers in ash and coffee. I look down at the ground like a dog that's in trouble and Shizuo just stared at me.
he's gonna be pissed. I feel so stupid. why was i on his lap? why was I so embarrassed? I hope he won't be too mad..
I was biting my lip trying not to cry or look at him but I couldn't resist when I heard him start to laugh. my eyes fall on him and he  is curled over holding his stomach and laughing his lungs out. I was confused and slightly offended.
"w-why are you laughing!!??"
Shizuo laughs a little more before pulling it together and looking at me wiping his eyes.
"I just thought you looked really helpless for a moment. like a cute kitten."
I feel my face flush and I open my mouth to protest but nothing comes out. Shizuo smirks at me.
"now who's blushing"
"s-shut up! w-were is your bathroom. I have to shower now"
Shizuo points to the bathroom and I huff as I get up walking away but shizuo's voice stops me.
"izaya wait."
I turn around and Shizuo walks up to me. He leans in untill until his face is almost close enough to kiss me. My face turns very red and I close my eyes, afraid of what is gonna happen. Then I feel something get pulled out of my hair and I open my eyes. Shizuo shakes the cigarette butt in front of my face.
"you had something in your hair"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Shizuo laughed.
"your blushing again."
"shut up!"
I turn around and storm away toward the bathroom.
damn you shizu-chan!!
...why do you have to mess with my feeling like that...

I love Shizaya. is my OTP.
at least for Drrr.
but my overall favorite OTP is actually Ereri. I ship those two so hard. like it even beats all my other ships. but Shizaya is definitely second.
anyway. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked my story. kitty cat Izaya is gonna start acting weird and the next chapter might cause nosebleeds..beware..
anyway. thanx again and ~bye~

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