Twenty Six

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I dodged a car door being thrown across the wall then I saw him. Leo standing on top of the office building nearby. I landed behind him trying to get him by surprise; sadly he heard my sword and turned a smirk wide on his face. "Hello beautiful." I glared walking towards him. He had his own sward his shirt was ripped showing off his chiselled chest; looking at him now I couldn't understand how I didn't know he was the angel, he was way to perfect. "Look at you, all big and tough with a weapon, come on now Amy, we both know you don't want to use it. Just put it down, say the magic words and we can end this in a white wedding." I lowered the sword a little, thinking about it. He walked closer thinking he won me over. Once he was close enough I swang, I cut his arm before he jumped back hand covering the blood. "OH MY GODNESS!" He glared and jumped towards me trying to pin me down. Jumping out of the way and tried to size him up looking for his weak point. He held his sword close on his tight side of him leaving his left side open. I sliced towards that side but he dodged parrying my plunge.

It felt like hours and we were still fighting. I slowed down trying to catch my breath. Leo smirked, he knew I was getting tired; he seemed unfazed a little sweat dripped down his cheek but that was it. I was sweating everywhere my arms were killing me but it had to be done, I had to kill the bastard. He kicked the sword out of my hand in my next attack and kicked me to the ground. I felt the cold of metal against my neck and tried everything I could to not let him cut me. "Amy, Amy, Amy. You made this happen this way, now you see I have this problem I actually WANT to marry you, I mean imagine the kinds of kids we could have together. Sadly though Fallen angels are off limits so I will not kill you, I refuse I am going to turn you, either you like it or not." I didn't respond. He picked me up holding my arm in his grip tight. I spat at him hatred growing in my eyes. He punched me. I spat blood out; I knew my nose was broken. "Now be a good girl and do what I say"
"Keep dreaming prick, I have my man I love him with my whole heart and soul and I WILL kill you." He looked at me pulling me closer and hissing in my ear;
"You ARE my girl Amy, and if you make me kill you I will." He shoved me and I grabbed my sward I sliced into his arm and he jumped away again. The cut on his arm was worse now; I knew one or two more his arm would be off. Leo gave me a glare holding onto his arm before flying away. I sit down on the roof, trying to catch my breath. I almost killed him, and I needed to try and make sure next time the almost is gone in that sentence.

I flew back to the original battle ground and no one was found. I froze, scared. They should be here. Quickly I kicked off the ground and started soaring through the ground. Searching, I could see random angels and fallen fighting in different areas but none I recognised suddenly I found Leo again. I had to get him in I couldn't think of that, nothing had happened. I flew down in front of him and Will came out stepping between us.
"Amy this has to stop, no more fighting no more death we already lost Steph." I froze, I hated her but I didn't want her dead, never in a million years. Behind Will Leo chuckled
"Yes Amy, marry me no more fighting. Dump the pommy gay guy." I saw Will make fists; he was close to killing Leo himself.
"Sorry Will is the only man for me, and he is 100% straight unlike you." Leo stared at me as I flew over Will kicking Leo to the ground. "DON'T you ever try to break us up prick!" Leo slid away again flying off leaving me cursing behind.

With Will in my arms we started flying around, looking for my brothers or anyone else to make sure they were still alive. Will had explained they had been split up during one of the fights and couldn't find each other again. "Amy, there! By the old storehouse." I looked to see Adrian fighting four angels at once. I flew down and drew my swod running over to Adrian to help. Will pulled out a bow and arrow and started shooting like mad. Adrian was exhausted; I knew he couldn't fight much more. Between the three of us we finished the angels off just as Leo landed again.
"Leave him, he's mine." The boys nodded and stepped back leaving me and Leo to fight.

Leo came forward before I was ready and sliced my side. I swore and he tutted "such bad words Amy, we need to change that." I ducked his next attack and kicked him tripping him on his back. Just as I did Jason ran forward and hugged me catching me by surprise.
"Amy, oh my god I thought you were dead, I couldn't find out anywh-"Jason stopped talking, his eyes went wide and he fell into my arms. I stumbled back ignoring Leo who was flying away. I let Jason go expecting him to get up but he didn't, he just fell onto his back. I gasped his back was stained red. LEO STABBED JASON! I fell to my knees laying his head on my lap stroking his hair.
"Adrian!" My voice cracked and he ran forward kneeling down.
"Jas, come on buddy stay awake." Jason lifted his head and smiled
"Look after her Age." And he fell, Adrian stared at the body in my lap before getting up and starting to walk away.
"Where the hell are you going?" he ignored me continuing to walk "ADRAIN!" I tasted salt water tears were running down my face faster now and he turned to stare at me.
"Why didn't you kill him? You had chances! You should have killed him! Now my twins dead! So stay away from me Amy forever." He walked away. In one year I gained and lost both my brothers and Leo was going to pay.

~~ Here you go guys, this is a novel I've been working on, I can't make it as perfect as I like so I decided to post it and then continue to edit it as I go xoxox Monii ~~

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