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On a dark stormy night, a baby's cry can be heard through out Haly's circus. John and Mary Grayson came outside to see who the crying belonged to. They did not expect to see a little abandon baby. The baby had beautiful gray eyes, and shiny black hair. The baby looked about a year old or even less. The baby stop crying as she saw Mary and John. The baby let out a soft giggled. Mary and John gave confused, concerned looks at each other.

Mary saw a folded note that was on the baby's chest. Mary pick it up. She unfold it with care. The only thing the note said was 'her name is sandy, please take good care of her' . With that, Mary and John decided to take her inside. While they was walking in, they heard a voice.

"Mami, Tati"  Mary and John's 5 year old son, Richard Dick Grayson said rubbing his eyes. "Son, go back to bed, we can talk to you in the morning." John said, knowing his son was tired. Richard yawned and nodded and walk back to bed. As John walk his son back to bed.

Mary decided to get sweet sandy out of her wet clothes.  They didn't have any girl clothes but they did had Richard old baby clothes. Mary pick one that could suit a boy and a girl. After Mary change sandy, sandy was already fast asleep. Mary smiled at the sight. She decided she wanted to adopt the little baby. Mary took sandy to sleep with her and fell asleep soon after that.

*Next day*

Richard Grayson's pov

     I walked in the kitchen and I found mami and Tati holding a baby. They were talking so they didn't notice me, yet A hint of jealousy ram through me but I didn't want to be rude and push that feeling away.

     "Good morning Mami, Tati" I said still tired. "Oh Dickie you awake" Mami said and continued feed the baby. She usually calls me by my middle name. I prefer people call me by my middle name anyway, I don't know why but I do. "Good morning dick" Tati said eating his breakfast. "Who is that?" I ask pointing at the baby.

      Mami and Tati glance at each other. Then they both smiled and turned back to me. "Dick please sit down" Tati said I sat down at the table "dick how you feel about a little sister?" Mami asked.  Tears started to swell in my sad blue eyes and then I started to sob. "Son, what wrong" Tati asked concern "what....what if you guys forget about me" I sobbed ashamed of my jealousy "Richard Dick Grayson"Mami exclaimed "we will love ou forever even after we die"  she add and hugged me.

The word forever echo in my head. I smiled, feeling a little bit better. I decided to give my new sister a chance.

A/n- I wrote this book awhile back. I didn't know if I should show it to anyone but in the end I decided to post it. I try to update whenever I can. Please let me know how you feel about this book.

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