Chapter 5

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Dick's pov

As we walk into the manor, Bruce called in fours names. Four people came to see what Bruce wanted. He then started to introduce me to everybody, then he introduce me to them.

He first pointed and an old-looking Butler and said that's Alfred. He then pointed at a mean looking kid with black hair. Bruce said that's Damian that's my 13 year old son. Next he pointed at a kid with black hair and a white streak in his hair and he said that's Jason and he is 11 years old and lastly but not least he pointed at a nerdy looking kid he said his name is Timothy but call him Tim for short and he is 12 years old.

Sandy's point of view

I woke up tied up, trying to figure out where I am everything was blurry. I looked around I was in a room with one door and no windows I started to panic "Mom, Dad ,big brother?" I yelled out. No response. how did I got here..... I tried my best to remember. I finally remembered. I was kidnapped. By who though?

I glance around, by me my bat bear,was there , at least it's something. I started to stand up. My feet and hands were tied but I could still hop. I started hopping to the door but then went back to grab my bear in my mouth then started happing to the door.

When I got to the door I turned around and try to open it. locked of course, as I Let Go someone unlock the door and slammed it open the door hitting me and I felled backwards. it hurt. I probably have a bump on my head. I started to have tears in my eyes but I quick made them go away. I look to see who was at the door it was the same dude who was talking to Mr. Haly about protection.

What did he want with me I asked myself. Do he also have my family? Is this payback? He looked at me with her sickly grin "I see our little birdie is already trying to escape" he said "who are you?" I stuttered "me? I'm the one and only Tony Zucco" he chuckled Darkly.

A/n- these chapters are gonna be shorter but I gonna update contently till I finish the book so be grateful
-just somebody

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