Chapter 3

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The stranger's pov

"Nice to meet you sandy, my name is Bruce wayne" I said. "Your the guy who is funding my mommy and daddy." Sandy said excitedly . I got confused by this, were her parents the Graysons? They only had one kid. Well I thought the Graysons had one kid. Sandy must have seen the confusion plaster on my face because she then explained. "I am adopted, my mom and dad found me when I was one year old." "Oh." I felt kinda bad for her. Who abandon their kids. I mean I have two adopted kids and one son. "So.., are you in the act?" I asked. "No I'm too young plus I'm not as good as them, or at all" she said sadly.

I tried to find something lighten the middle. Anything. Them I notice her batman bear. I smirk at the sight. "Soooooo. Is batman your favorite superhero?" I said trying to hide my pride. "Yes! One day I hope I get to meet him" she said. "Maybe one day you will, but the act is about to begin. Would you like to sit with me? I asked. "Yea, but can we sit in the front? I can't wait to see my family and their act" She asked. "I don't see why not " I said as we head to our seats.

Sandy's pov

The Graysons, my family, were about to perform. I wave at my family. I mean there is a lot of people so they probably couldn't see me. "And now performing, without a net, the flying Graysons". Mr Haly voice boomed threw the tent. Then I realized I need to go to the restroom. I pulled on Bruce's sleeve. " I need to go to the restroom, I will be right back" I said. "Ok , I 'll save your seat" Bruce said. I head to the restroom.

I had a weird feeling. It was that feeling that eyes were watching me but I shook off that feeling off. Maybe I'm just paranoid.once I was done, I came out the restroom and head to my seat but someone grab me and before I could see who it was they put a bag over my head. I tried screaming but a hand over my bag muffled my screams.

Bruce's pov

It been awhile since sandy came back. I should go check on her, she gonna miss the show. I walked to the restrooms but then stop and saw a note. I pick it up but then I heard screams filling the tent. I stuffed the note in my pocket and ran to the screams. Everyone was running and screaming. I was shocked to what I had saw.

A/n don't be mad that my chapters are short because I know.
-just somebody

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