Chapter 22

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Sandy's pov

I woke up around 6 a.m, my body ache everywhere what happened? How long was I out. I couldn't been out for long nice Slade didn't wake me up. I didn't remember what happened..I got change and then went to the training room. "You been out for a few days, more training for you" Slade said. After hours of training a decided to go out for a few hours. I mean slade will probably find out I'm gone already beside has a tracking device on me. So not like I can't do anything.

I was just sitting on Wayne Enterprise building two figures came out the Shadows, Batman and Robin. should I run to Slade and get punish or go to jail, before I got the chance to make up my mind a shock came to my neck. 'wrong time Slade' I thought I fell to my knees Batman and Robin ran to my Aid" help me "I said through my teeth then I blacked out

Time skip

         I open my eyes , getting blinded by light. I groaned." where -where am I " I thought and then I remember the past events. I shot up "slade I'm sorry it won't-" I cut myself off realizing I wasn't with Slade. I Flinch at a hand holding my shoulder.

" you're safe now "the voice Said. I turned to see Robin. I glared at him. "what we're not safe as as that I have my trac-" I got cut off. " you don't have them" he said I touch my neck my tracker and Shockers we're gone.I touch my face my mask was still there. relief came over me.

"why you don't want anyone to know your ID?" He asked "why you don't want anyone to know your ID" I asked back . "Batman's orders "he said. "you wouldn't understand" I sighed. after a few minutes of silence he walked out and batman came in. "Bruce Wayne came to take me to Juvie?" I asked. he glared "you will be sent to Arkham " my eyes widen. "N- no I'm not crazy" I yell "you might as well be" Batman snapped  and left. I started to panic, I got up and take out all the tubes from my body. i hit my head against a wall over and over until I was gonna black out. i rathee die than go there i muttered.

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