Chapter 1

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*three years later*

Sandy is 4 and Richard is 8

Sandy's pov

" Mommy, daddy and big brwother" I called out.

My voice echo through Haly's traveling circus. I kept looking for my family but I wasn't paying attention and bump into Mr Haly.

"Oh sorry, Mr Haly, but have you seen my mom and dad" I asked looking up to the tall man. Haly smiled at me. "Why, yes their in the changing rooms." I nodded and said thank you then walked off.

I peeked in the changing room. "Why do my suit gotta be so colorful." I heard my brother asked pretending to be annoyed. He was wearing a bright red, green and yellow suit. "So you can shine" dad said, chuckling. "Why the R though" bro pouted. "Because you remind me of a robin when you soar threw the sky" mom said, messing up his hair."robin as in the bird? Boys my aged getting bullied for name like those" brother said smirking.

Honestly I always felt left out , since I was adopted but I push that feeling aside and walked in. " Hai mama and daddy and big bro"I exclaimed. Mom and dad smiled. "Hi lil sis what you doing here" big bro asked while he hugged me. "Mommy and daddy said they had a surprise for me" I exclaimed with glee.

Dick's pov

I looked at sandy, who had the biggest grin in the world. I swear.Then I look at mom and dad, also wondering what this surprise for sandy is. They smiled then took out an box from under the table and opened it. They pull out a trapeze suit like mines but it was black and red with a R. Also in the box was a batman bear.

What was this surprise for? I asked myself.

Sandy took the clothes and ran to get changed into her new suit. I asked mom and dad what is was it for. They responded that they notice that sandy would probably be sad when she see us performing. I smiled at the their response.

Few minutes later sandy came back and she had her suit on. "How I look?" She exclaimed holding her batbear. "You look great" I said, chuckling. "Aww my baby bird is growing up" mom cooed.

"Oh Sandy and Dick can you go get Mr Haly, he needed to tell your mom and I something" dad asked. Me and sandy nodded and went on our search. Sandy then asked why me and and mom and dad was all dress up. "There is a big event with the flying Grayson and that this rich dude is paying for it" I said excited. Sandy looked smile went away for a quick second. Then she said "I won't perform because I'm not as good as you guys. I won't ever be as good as you guys." I frowned. Then I kneel down so she can look me in the eye "one day, little bird, you grow up and be just like your big bro, mom and dad. You perform with us one day, I promise "

A/n- I'm sorry these chapter are short but I wrote this book on paper and my chapter were short. Plus it's technically my first book. The future books I added more words. But for now you gonna have to deal with these short chapters. I hope I get more reads soon. It's a dream for now.
-just somebody

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