Chapter 8

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Dick's pov

I've been in the streets for an hour now, I don't know where to search maybe that Bruce Wayne, or i should say my dad can actually help. It took awhile to get back to manor, I got lost a couple of times. I finally got back to the manor. Everyone is probably worried, I did disappear for a few hours. I walked up to the manor door and knocked.

I expected Alfred would answer to my surprise Damian answer "tt" he said when he answer the door and saw who it was. "hi, big brother" I smiled awkwardly. "my name is Damien to you...Where Have You Been?! Father been worried and it's almost midnight " he yelled." I'm sorry I just wanted to look for my sister " I said feeling bad for making everyone worried. He push me inside and closed the door. He then crouched down on one knee. He sighed and said "I'm sorry I've been so rude I don't know what came over me" "oh it's okay......where is Dad and others?" I asked sleepily.

"they're already asleep. let's not try to bother them" Damian said kind of weird, like he was hiding something. I ignored the feeling since I was really tired. I stayed silent. "well let's get you to bed" Damian said bringing me up the stairs since he notice I was tired.I got tucked in. "Night Damien" I said sleepily. " that's big brother to you "Damian smirk and close the door. I drifted off to sleep.

Sandy's pov

I had a big headache when I woke up. ow. I wasn't tied but I had this weird looking bracelets on both of my wrists and a weird necklace on my neck. I looked around again. I was in a room it only had one window as the light source. I couldn't reach it and even if I could it had bars in front of it. Since the room was dark I assume it was night. I strain my eyes to see everything in one corner was just a pillow and my bat bear.

I had a closet though it had nothing much in it just one pair of shoes and orange pants, and a black and orange shirt. Plus, there sunglasses and a mask. That seemed to be all in the room, I walk to the door and try to open it of course it was locked. It started to rain and I went to where my pillow was and I sat down hugging my bear and slowly drifted off to sleep at the sound of rain.

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