Chapter 25

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Batman's pov

I narrowed my eyes. Sandy was out of bed. "what are you doing out of bed" I asked."where is Robin?" She said worried. "isn't he here" I said confused . "he went for a walk yesterday" aqualad said also getting worried. At that moment Slade was calling on the computer. Rogue ran to the screen and answered. I knew she was going to go find robin so I put a tracker on her.

Before she could talk I said "what do you want " I growled "give me what's mine "he glanced at Rogue "what if we don't" I said. "then bird boy here dies" he said moving ,showing a beated and Bruise. Robin there was a couple gasp. Come alone Slade added.  with that rogue already gone. I told the team to stay here.

Sandy's pov

I got to our hide out and I saw a Slade sitting at the table. I saw Robin he was bruised and unconscious. I went and him "you thought it would be that easy " Slade said, I stopped as he pointed a gun at robin."  Slade ear Master leave him out of this shoot me instead" I said "tsk why would I kill my own property " he said over exaggerating property. I growled "did you come alone" Slade said "yes"

"Now let him go" I said. At that moment Batman Jump through a window." I said alone "Slade growled he shot his gun at Robin. "NO" and jumped in front of Robin my Sad life flash before my eyes. I knew I won't live. Batman got Robin and jump out the window.....I felt betrayed...

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