Chapter 10

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Sandy's pov

I woke up to the door unlocking. An old Butler looking guy opened it. "Slade will want to see you now, follow me" he said. I nodded and Followed him. "thank you Wintergreen" Slade said Wintergreen Eyed Slade to not do anything rash. "you will be my Apprentice from now on" he said sternly. 'what about my mommy and daddy and my big bro " I asked "your mom and dad are dead and as for your brother he will be dead if you don't do what I say "Slade stated bluntly hot tears ran down my face "y-you're lying" I yelled.

I was greeted with a hard slap in my face. I fell to the ground. "do not raise your voice at me ,little girl" he growled I was shocked. no one ever hit me before. I slowly got up on my feet. "I'm s-" I was cut off when he said " I guess I had to teach someone some manners. "He started walking up to me. I decided to run but soon fell to my knees because A painful shock to my neck. I screamed in pain. I was glad when in finally stopped. "No one escapes from me and training starts tomorrow" Slade said before I blacked out.

Dick's pov

I wrote up alone. I guess everyone's already awake I thought. I walk downstairs And was greeted with good mornings then I asked Bruce " when are we going to find Sandy ?" " we will find her soon I promise " he smiled. "any way to get your mind off the bad things I want you to meet some people. we will meet them later " A smile grew on my face.

Time skip

I was so boreddddd. I had a few hours before I can meet the people dad wanted me to meet. I went to the Batcave, no was in here s, I decided to play with the bat computer. it was cool! My uncle thought me hacking so I hack in it. there was lots of Heroes....I was going to meet the Justice League soon!!!!!! I ran out before I was seen.

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