Chapter 7

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Dami's pov

Father called me, Todd, and Drake to the cave in our costumes "Care to explain why there's a kid" I asked repeating the question from earlier. " well remember that circus act, I went to it, and well his parents died and his sister been kidnapped." Batman said. "we're going to get another bird! 2 birds in one day" Jason exclaimed. My Eyes narrow 'so we're going to go out to find her" I said.

"yes" Batman said " her name is Sandy. she has black hair and brown eyes. she is 4 years old and she was last wearing a black and red trapeze suit and I also learned that the ropes that man Dick's parent fall was tampered with so it was murder. The main suspect is Tony Zucco." He explained. I was mad. This family was big enough.

"I'm not going" I said walking up the stairs. "Nightwing-" Batman stared to say but I left before he could finish. I changed my clothes and laid on my bed "-tt-" I sighed. 'maybe I'm being selfish I probably hurt the kids feelings' I thought to myself. I groaned into defeat. I walk to Dick's room and knocked on the door when there was no answer I open the door I looked at the bed assuming he was asleep but he wasn't there I looked around and the window was open "that kid" I sighed.

Sandy's pov

"What do you want with me" I said backing away, hold a death grip on my bear. "well I'm just doing a job for someone" he smiled and at that moment someone walked in "thank you zucco, I would have rather the other one but this will do" the man said walking to me he had a syringe in his hand and he came closer and closer "no problem Slade" Zucco said walking out the door with cash in his hand "you're mine now" Slade growled, injecting me and I blacked out.

Batman's pov

I narrowed my eyes when Nightwing walks in cave saying "we have a small problem" "what sort of a problem?" I asked. "Grayson is gone .I walked in his room and the window was open and he was gone." Damien explained. "Damian go get changed and meet me Red Hood and Red Robin in the Batmobile" " I will stay, just in case he comes back " Damian said. I nodded and drove off.

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