Chapter 18

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Robin's pov

         I Growl "why wasnt Zucco  in jail" Megan start crying at the scene and walked out the room. Superboy went to go comfort her. Artemis, Wally and Aqualad stand there in the shocl. "yeah she's a villain but no one deserves that" I muttered.

Sandy's pov

        The door was open once more. Vines come blasting through the door ,the vines hold of my wrists and ankles in my neck. "some entrance " I muttered. This wasn't too bad, I thought, until thorns came from the vine stabbing me in the process. It become so tight my ankles and wrists were probably busie and sore. I can't breathe maybe it's for the best. I saw poison ivy walking in and the vine slowly retracted ."thank you for being my babies playmate" Ivy Said before she walked out if they can't kill me physically than they kill me mentally I thought rubbing my neck.

     The more I think about it the more I rather have Slade to do my punishment. When is he going to pick me up from this Hell House! The door opened and bane was there. " hey amigo I need a punching bag." Ben smirk he lift me in the air. I kick and struggle. I tried to break his grip. I got to do something! "trying to be tough?" Bane chuckled. I got a punch in the stomach. I coughed some blood. I got punch in the jaw and then spam into the ground. I didn't even try to get up no more so he started kicking me. he cracked his knuckles and walked away.

     One more to go. scarecrow walk and with a couple of the syringes and I was going to be his test subject. first he use fear gas and injected it to me all my fears come to life. I started screaming uncontrollably and then after a few minutes it stopped then he inject another fluid and I felt sick and I started throwing up Scarecrow seemed satisfied and walked away I fell into a deep slumber.

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