Chapter 26

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Robin's pov

I woke up at the Manor Bruce was right by my side. "Dickie, you're awake "he smile " what happened?" I groan. he told me I was kidnapped by Slade and then been beaten but nothing serious " where sandy? I asked. Bruce smiled disappeared.

Time skip

"What the hell Bruce?! ahow can you leave her for dead?" I yelled. " dick it was you or her " Bruce said "it should have been her! she's younger so she has more to live for" I said "she got shot I don't think she will make it" Bruce said " you didn't even try I yelled " "f*** you" I added "don't  use that language at me "Bruce yelled.  he was getting mad. " Motherf-" he's slapped me! I ran to my room not wanting to come out ever again

Slade's pov

      Shit. I ran to Rogue, she still had pulse but it was fading fast. I took her to the Lazarus Pit "Ra I need to use the pit for my apprentice. I looked at Sandy he said "yes but for a price" he said injecting something in to her. "What the hell?" I yelled. "I needed a test subject bride if something go wrong we have the pit" he chuckled.

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