Chapter 2

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Sandy's pov

"One day I'll be good as you?" I said, awe lace in my voice. I still doubted myself but I was determined to make my family proud. "Yes little bird" Dick said chuckling. A few minutes later we found Mr Haly. He was talking to a mean looking tall dude. It looked like they were arguing. Me and dick got curious. We decide to spy on them to see what going on. We was close enough to hear them talking.

"No, I won't pay for protection I don't need" Mr haly snapped. We have never saw Mr Haly mad.

"Hmm, are you sure?" The man said chuckling darkly. Why was he chuckling. What was funny?

"Yes. My decision is final" Mr Haly said.

I suddenly tripped, giving away me and dick's hiding place. 'Great job me' I said to myself. The man them faced us and smirked. "Hope you have a great time tonight. I bet it will make people fall out of their seats"with those final words he walked out the ten. Mr Haly sighed and walked over to us and helped me up. "What you need little birds?" Haly asked. " Mama and Tati said you needed to talk to them" Dick said. "Oh yes, indeed I do. I needed to talk about the event. You too can stay here" Mr Haly said as he walked off.

Few hours later

Sandy's pov

Everyone in the circus was getting ready for the act tonight. I pouted everyone was busy except me because I wasn't in the act. Anyway, I went to find Mr Haly to see if he was busy. When I found him he was talking to a tall man, he had black hair and he was wearing a tux. He look super rich, is he that Bruce guy who paying for the event tonight?

The man saw me and smile. Mr Haly turned around to see what the man was smiling about. "Oh sandy what do you need little bird?" Mr Haly asked. "I was wondering if you was busy because everyone else is and I just wanted someone to play with" I said look at my feet "ah sorry birdie I'm quite busy at the moment. I have to see if everyone ready for the event," Haly said "oh ok"I said disappointed. "Sorry little bird maybe later" Haly said

" its ok, I understand" I started to walk off until the stranger said " I could um play with you" "really mister?" I said excitedly running up to him looking at him with the biggest eyes. "ya, why not" he smiled. "Ok thank you for keeping our little sandy company"Mr Haly said and smiled then he walk off. "Well what's your name " the stranger asked. "My name is sandy"

A/n- I know my chapter are short, but the short the chapters then more updates. Yay
-just somebody

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