Chapter 4

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Dick's pov

Tati was the first to go, then Mami. As I was about to go I saw a rip in the rope. I started to panicked. "Mami, Tati get off now!" I yelled I tried to warned them but it was too late. The rope then snapped and they felled. "Dick!" mami yelled. They took their last breath then ... CRACK. A spine chilling sound as they hit the ground. Everyone started running and screaming. Tears welled in my eyes. 'No they can't be be dead' I thought. I climb down the trapezes so fast as I could and ran to their lifeless bodies. "Mami, Tati wake up please. This is not funny" I sobbed shaking their bodies. "Please" I said before I passed out from the traumatic event.

Bruce's pov

I saw sandy's and dick's parent fell to their death. I ran to dick. He had passed out. The police and the albulance came to the tent. Then I remember the note, I took it out my pocket and opened it. It said~

"don't go looking for the little bird she'll be dead soon. Then I'm coming for Richard. See you soon, batman"

My eyes widen at the last word. Whoever this guy was knows my secret. Bruce stuff the note back in his pocket.He walk to Mr Haly, with Richard in his arms, "the poor the boy and his sister are orphans now. We can't keep then here or he be reminded of his falling parents." Haly explain. I sighed and talked about adopting Dick and his sister. " I don't know where his sister is, but when I find her I'll adopt her," I said "oh thank you Bruce. Let me get his clothes and change his clothes."Haly said. After Richard was change into new clothes, he pack all of Dick's and his sister belongings.

He was still passed out. I put him in my car and when to child services and explain to them the story and telling them I will be adopting him. After I signed a few papers. I went home. Once we got home, I woke up dick. Dick slowly open his eyes, immediately he started backing away."it's ok Dick. My name is Bruce Wayne. I adopted you so I can help find your sister. "Mami, Tati?" He said. "I'm sorry but they are gone." Dick slowly started remembering every thing. "Where is sandy?" Dick asked. "She been kidnapped. But I knew a few friends who will find her" I explained. "I want to go find her now" dick said while trying to go find her. "No. I won't allow you" I said " why not" he said.

Dick's pov

"No means no. I don't not explain myself." Bruce said. Hm he won't let me go find my sister, why? Mami and Tati would want me and sandy to stay together. I just have to disobey him and sneak out. "She was the only family I got" I sigh. "Not your only" Bruce said dragging me to the mansion.

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