Happiness Pt.2~Yongguk Angst

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It had been a week since you had broken up with Yongguk.

You decided that you would go back to the apartment to get the rest of your things from it.

You really didn't want to but you needed to do this.

You quickly pulled on your vans and walked out of your best friends apartment. You didn't have anywhere else to go so your best friend offered you her spare room for awhile.

You got into your vehicle and started it. You sat in the seat for a couple minutes to try and calm yourself down.

You haven't saw Yongguk in a week. Haven't spoke to him in a week. You were nervous. You obviously still had feelings for him. You would probably always have feelings for him.

You sighed and headed towards your old apartment.

After about fifteen minutes you arrived. You parked in the parking lot across the street.

You sat in the parking lot for about ten minutes trying to physc yourself up to face him.

You eventually got out of your car and headed towards the building.

As you got closer to the door the more nervous you felt. Your stomach was in knots. You didn't know if you could do this.

You quickly shook your head to get rid of these thoughts. You had to do this. You could do this. You had to.

You mustered up the courage and knocked on the door.

After a couple minutes you heard shuffling coming from inside. Your heart beat increased.

As the door opened the sight before you made your heart sink deeper into your stomach.

A girl.

A girl answered the door. "Hello? Who are You?" She asked you as she leaned against the door frame.

You avoided her eyes and tried to look into the apartment.

"Uh I'm here to come and pick up the rest of my things." You mumbled as you pushed your way into the room.

The girl let out a surprised noise as you pushed past her.

You walked into the living room and looked around. All of your things were gone. You quickly walked into the bedroom, again all of your things were gone.

The girl follwed you. "Your things are already packed. Yongguk oppa packed them already. The boxes are in the closet." She told you.

Your heart sunk even more. He already packed your things? He couldn't wait to get rid of you could he?

Your heart was also hurting at what she called Yongguk. She called him oppa. Were they dating? How long were they dating for? Was he with her when he was with you?

All these thoughts ran through your head as you walked to the closet.

As you opened the door to the closet you heard his voice come through the front door.

"Dana? Why is the front door open? You know that's dangerous." He said.

You froze. You did not want to be here. You quickly grabbed the two duffle bags and put them on your shoulders. Grabbing the box that was left you stood up.

You walked out of the room and down the hall. You were making your way down the hall, you were almost to the front door when you heard him again.

"Y/N? You're here?" His voice caused you to freeze in your spot.

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