A Family Part 54

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"This is a family thing Louise, you heard what Clint said; he gives you three months to prepare for the wedding,"  Joe said with a big smile.

"That will be only a week before Christmas, I am due for a week leave before Christmas as the seniors take their leave between Christmas and New Year."

"That's great," Clint said, "then it will be on the Saturday before Christmas."

"I'll make your dress." Lucy offered.

"I'll make the wedding cake." Her mom said with a big smile.

"I suppose that leave me with the expenses for the venue and the caterers, you are not going to make it big, are you?" Her dad asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Clint said quickly, "only close family and maybe a friend or two."

Louise sigh in relief, she knew her mom and dad struggle to keep things together and her mom was not well, she did not want to burden them.   "Thank you, everyone, it is so kind of you," she said with a tender smile.

"There is just one condition, Gregory stays with us while you are on honeymoon and you all spend Christmas here."  Her dad said firmly.

Everything worked out fine, father John gave them such a special message in the church; "Be kind to each other and pray together for unity in your family because unity makes you strong."

The venue was beautifully decorated in wine red and ivory and the food was out of this world.

Clint took Louise in his arms after they opened the dance floor: "I can't wait to have my beautiful bride for myself, you look gorgeous," he said as his eyes caught hers.  He gave her an overall look, from her delicate satin shoes, the hem of her ivory satin dress to the pearl embroidered bodice.

A tint of red colored her cheeks as she answered: "The same here."

"Remember what we decided after our engagement and our heart to heart conversation about Nick, Gregg, Charles, and Olivia?  I just want to confirm there is no rush or pressure for a baby, I just want you to be happy."  Clint said while they were on their way to their honeymoon destination.  

 Olivia was his first love and she fell in love with another man before he could ask her to marry him.  He admitted that he could not trust women after that until he met Louise.

A year later Jessica was born, she was their pride and joy.  She and Gregory had hours of fun and it was too cute when her little face crinkled into a smile when she saw Gregory.

Clint was a proud and protective dad and Louise was happy with her family.  Sometimes her mind wandered back and she could not help to wonder what it would be like to have all three of them in her house.

Jessica was like a ray of sunshine that beams through their house and she and Gregory became really close.  Her screams of joy and laughter were contagious when she was around Gregory. They loved each other and had lots of fun together.

Louise gave Clint an unexpected kiss one night after supper: "Wow, what have I done?" he asked surprised.

"Just for being here for me and our children, thank you, I love you so much."

"I love you too," he said and lifted her chin with his hand to give her a more passionate kiss.  "I can't even imagine my life without you, these were the most awesome five years of my life."

"I can't believe it's already five years since we met and next week will be our fourth anniversary," Louise said with a happy smile.

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