Fell Sans x Dragon!Reader

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(1517 Words)

(Dis Dragon Is You)

You ran through the forest, after years they had finally found your hiding spot. Dragon scales were highly valued and if you weren't killed, you were going to be sent to a zoo for the rest of your life. The yelling of men and gunshots filled the forest. You spread your wings but since you were a juvenile, you couldn't really fly. You felt rope wrapped around your tail, you whipped around. Letting a screech of fury out, birds flew everywhere. You open your mouth showing you canine teeth. You opened your wings, raising them above your head, trying to make the illusion that you were bigger than you were. It failed. You raised onto your hind legs, still screeching. The cowered but released, you didn't breath fire. They took this to their advantage, firing their guns. You tried desperately to get off the ground, you only managed a couple feet. You had missed the rope loosely tied around your front paws, the rope snagged on a fallen tree. It tightened as you fell forward. You felt the weight of the man on your neck, wings, and hind legs. You thrashed around violently trying to escape, you felt something sting your underbelly. Your thrashing slowly stopped as your eyes fought to stay open.

~Sometime Later~

You woke up in what seemed to be a giant and bare aviary. You lift your head, behind an invisible wall, a group of people. They didn't look human, dressed in Black and Red, they had a small human with them. You sat up, looking around. Your steps were carefully placed. Once you have walked around the cage you walked up to the wall were people stood behind. The looked astonished at your presence like they have never seen a dragon. The child had both hands on the invisible wall, you could hear her squeals of joy. You bolted up the tree, you hid surprisingly well. The child looked confused, then a man appeared beside the small child, crouching to their level to talk with them. You felt a rage boiling from within, it was one of the men that had captured you. Sliding down the tree, you stared at the man, he stared back. You raced towards the glass, clawing and biting it. You could hear the man chuckling as your attacks only dented it. The group of people began walking away, all except a small skeleton. You attacks stop, you let your head rest on the grass. The skeleton leaned on the glass, tapping it lightly. You looked at him with one eye, you were getting annoyed. He seemed to chuckle lightly, pulling his hood up. He waved and walked away. You climbed the tree, just enough to watch the sunset. For the next couple of weeks, people (and what they called monsters) walked by the invisible wall. You laid completely motionless. Your beautiful purple, pink and light tan scales had begun fading. You laid so you could still see the invisible wall, each day the same small skeleton would sit by the wall, looking at you. He would sit facing the glass, each day as he saw your scales dimming and your movements just about stop, asides from your breathing. One day no people passed the invisible wall, you were confused. You heard gears turning and a door open. You stood, each step a 'pop' was heard from the gaze between your bones popping. Eventually, you look, a giant door was open, you didn't near it. You saw the small skeleton walk into your enclosure. His aura was tense, but it was masked by his calm walk. You were very confused, "Go on, scram..." His voice was low, calming but low. You got a good look at him, black and cream hoodie, red lines under his eyes, along with his black and red shirt and shoes with yellow soles. You walked towards him, his aura was constantly changing. You towered over the skeleton, lowering your head to meet his gaze. "What do ya want? I got nothing..I'm just boned here." You raised your head and cautiously walked out. You were hit with the sun's rays, you stretched your wings. You turned towards the skeleton, you trotted in front of him. Before he said anything you picked him up by the hood. He placed his skeletal hands on your muzzle, trying to pry them open. You calmly walked back towards the opening, it was about time for the sun to fully rise. You trotted around, trying to find the most sunlight. After a couple minutes you laid down, you placed the skeleton by your wings that were fully outstretched. "Heh, they should call ya the Sunrise Dragon." You curled your right wing and rolled onto your back. A siren blared, you rolled over looking around, "Fly, go on before they get here." You looked at him, a worried look in your eyes. "You can fly, right?" The skeleton facepalmed, "What dragon doesn't fly?!" You picked him up by the hood, gently placing him on your back, you then ran. Weaving and bobbing between cages and buildings. You stopped at a fence, you could tell it was electrical. You ran towards the nearest building, climbing it you judged if you could make the jump. Yells of men erupted behind you, whether you could make it or not you jumped. Your wings helped glide you over the fence, you conjured up a loud purring noise if you will. You raced through the dense forest. You heard the skeleton laughing as he happily yelled. You slowed your run into a walk as you looked over at a waterfall. The sky blue water rushed over the edge, probably a few hundred feet. The skeleton slid off your back, "Well I gotta get going. See ya Sunrise Dragon." He said as he turned, he disappeared. You tilted head slightly, 'That weird skeleton...maybe he'll return."

So you found a tree that was tall and strong enough to withstand your weight. As night turned to day you lowered your head below the tree line, the small skeleton made his appearance, looking around for something. You let a soft purring noise ring out, the skeleton looked towards the tree that you currently reside in, "Guess ya don't want to leave huh? I wouldn't either but, it's not safe here." You nodded in agreeance, you glided from the tree to the small landing below. The small skeleton walked away from the clearing with you trailing behind him. Over the cliff a small town could be seen, "That's where I live" He said, pointing over the cliff. "There's a dragon preserve, or so I hope so, a couple kilometers from it. You nosed your wings (like when a bird ruffles their wings), you yawned. The skeleton looked at you strangely, "Why don't you have teeth?" he questioned, you opened your mouth and extended your teeth (your teeth is like toothless to save time & words). "Ooh." you closed your mouths he rubbed his skull. "Well, its a long- hey!" You cut him off by picking him up, you opened your wings and jumped off the cliff. You dropped a couple meters before you began gliding. You placed the skeleton on your back, tilting your nose down, you gained a little speed. You felt the skeleton grip your neck, trying to maintain balance. After a few minutes, you heard him yell, "Down There!" You looked down, sure enough, there were a few buildings, then acres of forest. There were cliffs, rivers, a part of the ocean, and a waterfall. You circled around the building before; unintentionally, ramming head first into one of the buildings. The skeleton slid off your back and broke out into an uncontrollable laughter, you were stunned. A few men ran out of the building, very confused when they saw a stunned dragon and a laughing skeleton. You watched as the skeleton walked over to the men and began talking with them. "Come on...you don't have a name, uh how does a dragon get their name?" "Quite simple, whats makes them special?" "They uh like sunsets." The man looked at you, you were completely tuning them out, watching the sun. "Zora, it means Dawn." The skeleton shrugged, "what do I do now? Do I leave her here and walk home?" "Yes, unless you want to work with her, feeding wise." The skeleton looked at you, "I might but, I need to get home." "Okay, can we have your name as this dragon's 'savior'?" "Sans, but I should- "That's fine sir, we'll get her all sorted out okay? Buh-bye!" Women said pushing Sans out the park, while the men dragged you into the enclosure.

'Maybe this wouldn't be so bad' you thought as you sat upon a rock (Like in the photo), looking at the small village that wasn't too far away. Your back towards the setting sun.

(1517 WORDS. >-< ITS MY LONGEST STORY EVER! Don't forget you can request cause my idea tank is empty...)

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