Sans x Kitsune! Reader

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You were dubbed an 'Exotic Animal'. You were a kitsune, you had been captured as a child and raised in captivity. This was sadly normal for your species. The cage you were held had a bar door, a cup, and some newspapers. You didn't dare use them for you were to be shipped out to your new owner. "Oi! Five-Tails get to the bars!" You rose from the stone floor, slowly walking towards the bars, your fox ears flat against your head. "Don't try any funny s*** now." The barred door slide open, you made no eye contact while you walked towards the moving van. Before you could step in, you were smacked on top of the head. Causing you to fall to the ground unconscious.

~Sans POV~

I waited inside my small yet cozy home. I had ordered a Kitsune action figure. I had found a recent addiction, if you say, to these mystical creatures. I had ordered a five tailed, (h/c) haired, kitsune. They get more tails as they achieve something great. I saw the delivery truck drive past my home, I walked to the door. When I opened the door my jaw dropped. "Hello, sir."

~Narrator POV~

The two 'monsters' stood staring at each other. The skeleton could only manage an "uh.." The kitsune coughed, "Hello sir. My name is (Y/n). I am the Five-Tailed, (h/c) haired kitsune that you ordered. Am I allowed inside?" The skeleton rubbed his skull, "Yeah come on in." You walked into his home, your kimono dragged slightly in the back. "Is there anything you would like me to do?" "What can you do?" "Most of everything." " bro's coming home tomorrow, can you clean up?" You nodded and began to clean his home. After some time his home was cleaned, "Sir? Is there anything you need?" You looked down the stairs, the skeleton had fallen asleep on the couch. You smiled, you descended his stairs and walked over to the couch. You picked up the small skeleton and brought him to his room, you placed him onto his newly made bed. You covered him in his sheets. You were about to walk away when he tugged on your sleeve, "If you wouldn't mind...would you..uh.." "Cuddle with you?" you said, "Y-yeah." You stepped over the skeleton, then rested beside him. You draped your arm around him, you felt his hand tighten his grip on your arm. You nuzzled into his neck and sighed.

The next morning when you woke up, you saw sans had nuzzled himself into your chest. Your ears were pinned to your head, but he looked peaceful so you didn't disturb him. He slept for another couple hours, when he finally woke up, blue highlighted his skull. "Oh! Good morning sir. Did you sleep well?" He sat up and stretched, "Yeah I did." "Do you want me to make food?" "Man, you're an all in one." "I'm fine with that." You stood up and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast. After you had prepared breakfast and had cleaned the plates, I heard knocking at the door. I walked towards the door and opened it. I was greeted with a taller skeleton. "Oh? Hello Fox-Thing." "(Y/n). Are you Papyrus?" "Why Yes! I Am The Great Papyrus! Nyeh heh heh!" "Please come on in, I'll go get Sans." You opened the door, allowing the skeleton in. After closing the door, you walked upstairs knocking on San's door. "Sir your brother is here."

[Short break because I cut my index finger from writing to much T~T]

Sans walked down the stair after thanking you. "Oh, sir! Mind if I take a shower?" He nodded, "Go ahead." You walked into the bathroom, after removing your kimono you were got into the shower. After five minutes you had emerged from the bathroom, you had the same kimono on but your five tails had been shown. The (f/c) fur was shiny and slick. "Sir, do you need anything?" "Hmm, nothing actually just take a break." You nodded and walked into the spare room. After a while, you heard the skeleton brothers bid each other farewell and the door closing. You stepped out of the guest room, walked the down the stairs, and sat on the couch next to Sans. "You seem tense." "Heh. How do you read people like books?" You moved your four tails onto your lap, "It's in our nature, I think. I was raised this way." You noticed that Sans was looking at you tails, "Would you like to know how I got my tails? You seemed interested." Sans nodded, "My first tail I got from finding a green aventurine stone in a river while I was exploring, my second tale was when I first was able to control water. My third tale was when I was able to become a human. Lastly my fourth tail I got when I..I" Your eyes had begun to water, your ears were lowered. Sans placed his hand onto your leg, "It's fine, you don't need to explain it." You wiped your tears and let out a sight, "My fourth tail was when I took the place of my sister when being taken into captivity. My fifth tail I had since birth." You stood up, "I-If you need me I'll be in the spare room." You stood up and quickly walked into the spare room. You sat in the bare room, you sat in the middle of the room. You sobbed softly into your hands, man you hated crying it was the one time you're vulnerable. You turned into the beautiful red fox. Your five red tail dragged lightly on the floor as you trotted around. You heard the door creak open along with San's voice, "Hey can I..uh" Sans stared at the red fox and kimono laid neatly on the floor. You stared at Sans, you both were lost for words, "Heh, you look pretty foxy." You laid down, covering your face with your tiny paws. You heard Sans begin to laugh, you slinked back into your kimono and turning back to your normal self. Your face was beet red. "But I need to speak with you." You turned your attention to Sans. "What is it?" Sans sat next to you, admiring your lovely (e/c) eyes. "To be honest, I didn't want someone to live with me, let alone cater to my needs. I mean I love having you around but, I'm not a 'people' person." "O-oh..I see." You felt your heart slow just a little. "I can see to my own removal." You said as you stood up, your happy attitude was masked by a much more serious attitude. "Wait! You don't have to leave now." Sans said as he grabbed your sleeve. "No-no. It's fine, I'll leave immediately." You walked out of the house, the skeleton still trailing after you, he stopped at the gate of his house. He watched as a small delivery truck stopped by you. A man stepped out as you flinched at his steps. The man opened the back of the truck and pulled out a bat. Sans watched in utter disbelief as the man stuck your head, causing you to fall to the ground. "Hey! You there, what are you doing?" Sans questioned as he appeared next to the man who had your body in his hands. Sans punched the man square in the face. After picking you off the ground, he walked back to his home and placed you on the couch.

~Couple Hours Later~

You sat up blinking slowly, you looked around, "Huh? This isn't the cages.." You looked to your side and saw Sans resting beside you, bandages falling out of his hand. You sat up, moving carefully to not wake Sans up. You walked towards his restroom, you turned on his faucet. You placed your hand under the warm water. You watched as it flowed up your arm and up into your hair. You watched as the slight cut on your forehead slowly faded away. You turned the faucet off and wiped [Wiped autocorrected to Weed xD] the water from your forehead. You turned and was tackled into a hug. "Oh hi, si-" "Call me Sans." "Thank you, Sans." You hugged Sans back, "But..sans I thought you weren't a 'people' person." Sans looked you straight in the eyes, "I will change, just for you." He closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you tenderly. Your eyes widen but for some reason, you melted into the kiss. After you broke the kiss you rested your forehead on San's skull.

After while Sans asked you to be his girlfriend, you happily accepted his offer. Sans tilted his head, "Whats wrong?" You looked behind you, there was nothing there. You turned around and saw Sans was gone. "What the-" "TICKLES!" Sans dropped from the stair banister and tackled you with tickles. "S-shans S-s-stahp!" You tried to get san's off but failed miserably. You felt San's hand push lightly on your neck, You transformed without seconds thought and shuffled under the couch. Sans laid next to the couch, "Really? The couch.." You poked your muzzle on from under the and licked San's skull. A blue blush crept across his face. You crawled out from under the couch and back into your kimono. After turning back into your normal form, you picked up Sans and placed him into your lap. "What are you?" "Snuggle" "Fine I'll snuggle with you." You and Sans sat there, snuggling into each other. Your head was resting on top of his head, and his head was slightly nuzzled into your neck. You eventually fell asleep there, with Sans in your lap. Sans couldn't move so he to, fell victim to sleep.

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