Bara! Mobster! Fell x Wolf! Mobster! Reader [Part 1]

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The city of Fell. One of the biggest hell holes on the map. But your life wasn't to bad. You had been born into one of the biggest Mafias in the city. They called them selves "The Watch Dogs". Looking closely you could see the number plus amount of wolves that sat every few building from each other. Watching their territory line and people. They did this to keep the other gang wary, the Mobsters. How original. A mix of mob and monster. Well, what was to be expected of those goons.

But your job was different. You trailed high class suspects and dug up as much dirt as you could all to report back to the Alpha. He would then pat your head and throw you some under the table cash.

You were sitting in a coffee shop. A small cup sat in front of you as flipped through the mornings new paper. Your trench coat flicked upward as you minded your own business.

The door slammed open. It was a human, in his hands a small pistol. "Listen up! This is my shop now. You hear me!" He shouted at the barista behind the bar. He stormed over to her, gun pointed at her forehead. "You deaf bitch? Give me the money!" He shouted. But the barista keep cleaning the glass. Her eyes not on the man but on you.

You sighed and got up. Unruffling the trench coat you wore as you made your way to the man. "Hey sit back- watchdog..." He cut himself off as he took a few steps back. You flashed him a predatory smile as you set the coins you owed on the counter. It had a hundred bucks wrapped up in it. The barista knew why the large tip had been given and she shook her head.

You grabbed the man by the nape and smashed his head into the counter. The fragile wood snapping and splintering off as the man laid motionless in the rumble. "I'll pay for any other damages I caused ya ma'am." You said picking the man up and slinging him over your shoulder. "You don't have to. Your tip should be plenty." She responded.

"Yah know doll face. You should let us dealz with our own criminals." Your heard a deep voice say from behind you. Turning you saw Sans. He was infamous for his bad temper and the damage he caused when fighting.

"Get here first and I'll let ya." You said pushing past the skeleton. The man, now sporting a miscolored face, still slung over your shoulder.

"Now hold on doll face. Where ya taking him?" He said following you out of the shop and down the street. Now this was a site to see. A Mobster and a WatchDog walking side by side.

"To the hospital. Unless you rather me leave him in the shop in the counter" you replied.

You had ran into the skeleton a number of times before. Mostly due to you both choosing the same spot when in battle. But he never fired a gun at you and vice versa.

He chuckled. Pulling out a large red cigar. He offered it to you but you declined it. Smoking had never been your thing. He lit the cigar and took a long drag from it. The cloud of red smoke he blew out formed strange shapes as it disappeared.

"Ya doll. Your in our territory, I could kill you." He said. There was no malice in his voice but you scoffed anyways. "And risk a gang war because I was helping a poor man to the hospital?" You retorted. He chuckled once again.

But he stopped you, standing in front of you with that large cocky smile. "I'll take him from here doll." You flattened your ears, you were going to say something back, but a distant howl caught your ear. You sighed. Rolling the man off your shoulder and handed him to Sans.

"I would have put up more of fight had I not been called." You said. He rolled his eyes. "You know doll. I think you made me late for a meeting." He said disappearing into a large cloud of red smoke.

A meeting? Oh Sh-

Your eyes widened as you raced back to your part of the city. Your watch read 12:45, that meant you were 5 minutes late. You ran faster than you thought you could. Standing out side the door you smoothed down your ruffled suit. With a last touch to your fluffy head you pushed the door open and took your spot at the back of the room. You hoped he wouldn't notice your tardiness.

"Finally deciding to join us are you?" Your Alpha said. His golden eyes flicking to you. Across him sat the leader of those Mobsters, he called himself King. A long beard of golden framed his goat like face.

You flinched but smiled. "I'm sorry my Alpha I got a little caught up in-" You stopped mid-sentence as you locked eyes with Sans. "-in some business." You managed as you took small steps toward the table.

You knew that you would be reminded later on but for now your Alpha caught you up to speed with a one sentence. "We've agreed on them getting safe passage through our city along with protection while they travel. While we expand our trading ring."

That was good. "What are they transporting?" You asked giving a question glance at the other mafia boss. "That is none of your concern." Asgore said as he stood. "I look forward to this partnership. I'll send word of when and where." The monster stood up, and damn was he tall. He nearly touched the ceiling. He motioned the lady in next to him out along with Sans. He shot you a coy smile as the door shut.

"So. How late were you again?" Your alpha asked as he stood up.

A week later you watched the small team of monsters load the the small truck up with a few crates of various sizes. The patch on your neck drove you batty. But the five long gashes needed to heal one way or another. "So, who's all coming with." Sans asked as he stepped beside you. Turning your head you winced slightly, but he took notice off it. "Well. Me and one other wolf with be escorting you to your drop off point. Then whoever else you decide I guess." Your shrugged and immediately regretted it. This time you gasped, a paws resting over the tense wound.

"You okay?" Sans asked. He took his eye off of the crate as he looked down at you. "Why wouldn't I be?" You retorted. But under his gaze you couldn't help but shiver. You were about to add something when you felt his hand rest on your neck. "Um what are you-" But the sensation of warmth flooded your neck as his grin softened. "I'm healing you. Don't make it weird hon."

When you caught your self relaxing you yanked your head away from him. With a huff rand a paw over the once wounded area. Not even a scratch was left. "Thanks. But you could tell me before you do that." He smiled as he messed with the cuff of his suit.

"Hey Sans! What are you waiting for lets go!" A snowdrake shouted as he hopped into the truck. You gave Sans a small smile as you hopped into the back of the truck, sitting next to the large crate that had been placed into the back. Rose (the other wolf accompanying you) had already been sitting in the back.

With theee loud taps to the metal of the truck it whirred to life. It hummed as it drove away from the city. The walkie talkie sat in your lap as you leaned against the crate. "Hey I see you drifting off. Go ahead. Not like much will happen." Rose said as the wind matted her grey fur.

You nodded. Sinking down in your spot as you yawned. A small nap wouldn't hurt. Would it?

(This is Part 1 of 2 so like yeah. Enjoy)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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