NightMare! Sans X Abused! Reader

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You were an unwanted child, at least that was what your mother said. She would either say, 'Why did I let your father talk me out of your damn abortion." or "You are my biggest and only mistake I regret." That was most of your conversations, and your dad was too drunk to think of what he said. "ugh God damn it, what is it this time? Cant keep your legs down or are you just this pissy?" He would be laid on the couch, beer or booze bottle in hand as he slept, it was your mother who was the trouble. She would be the one to beat you, to tear you down mentally, and ruin the one that was meant for you, your birthday. Yes, she would never stop, but if you think she mean for that no, she would drag you out and...sell you as a prostitute basically. She had other men sexually assault you for money. You were only 17, she was a monster. After each night she would throw you into the cage that was to be your room, barred windows like a prison, some pissed on pillow and a rag as a blanket. Your room was the coldest, each night a risk for a lot of sicknesses, you shook when you sleep that was if you ever slept. Most nights were spent listening to your parents bicker and fight. You had to drop out of school because of the ridicule and torment from your peers. You would think sleep would be an escape right? Wrong, nightly nightmares haunted you, each one about the same thing. Your mother. But, each nightmare you swear you would see, something lurking within the darker corners, watching. You jolted up, looking out the barred window you could see the moon high in the sky, 'Most likely midnight.' You guessed as you popped your back, sore from the cold hard floor. Tears stuck to your face, you pulled your knees to your chest, crying softly. "(Y/n)? What The Hell Are you Doing Still UP?" Your mother yelled as she barged into your room, a half-drunk liquor bottle in hand. You choose not to respond, this wouldn't end well for you either way. "Speak Bitch!" She yelled, throwing the bottle, it shattered as it hit the wall next to you. Once again, you chose not to respond. She growled before she yelled, "You better Pay me in the morning!" You spoke up, "Why? I didn't do anything.." You covered your mouth, "Are you bad-mouthing me? Well How would you feel sleeping outside like the mutt you are!" She yelled as she grabbed a handful of your hair, harshly dragging you along before throwing you out into the freezing cold. You heard the door lock, and the house lights dim before you were completely in the dark. It was lightly raining, just great. You sat as close to the door as you could, trying to keep dry but, it was no use. You broke, crying into your knees, "don't cry." The voice shocked you as lifted your head. The Black silhouette from your nightmares stood in front of you, his..tenticales forming a roof over your soaked form. You sat there shocked, "t-thank you." you stuttered, as you started shaking. He noticed this, he knelt down, "Wanna come with me? You can escape this hell, and well...Come with me to mine?" He asked offering his pitch-black hand out. "Please," You whimpered, lightly grabbing his hand the foggy, rainy, forest spiraled as it turned white. Within mere seconds you were now sitting on nothing. Looking around it was all white, then a small group of skeletons. One was missing a large part of his skull, the second had a target on his hoodie, the third glitchy, the fourth was in gray and white with a red squiggle unlining his eye, then there was edgy looking one that wore red eyeliner? They turned confused looks shown on there faces. "WhAt T-T-ThE HeLL-L-L Is a G-G-GiRL DO-DOinG HeRE?" The Glitchy skeleton spoke as he stood up. "Error, Cross, Fell, Killer, and Horror...treat (Y/n) with respect. She means a lot, she comes from a..broken home, you could say." Horror had walked up to you and held his hand out, "Names Horror. You look starved, want a head dog?" "w-whats that?" you questioned standing up, when you did their expressions soften, your tore shirt revealed your scars, how they didn't see them before was beyond you but, they seemed almost sorry from their expressions. "Actually, I don't have any." He said, walking away. Nightmare walked up to you, "Don't worry if they pull anything I'll personally crush their skulls into the floor." He smiles as he looks at you, causing a small smile on your face. 'Maybe this was for the better'


Your mother claimed that you had killed your father and ran off into the night, and she was believed. You were now a criminal, your mother got finical insurance because of this. But now...It was your turn. Your turn to pull the strings, to torment, to mentally break her down. Her death was excruciating, long and painfully. You used what she feared against her, you were covered in blood. "Wow...Horror, thank you for the lessons." You mumbled as you dragged her body towards the back side of the house. Your house was a couple meters from a cliff, so disposal wasn't that hard. Watching as her body, crumpled and broke you smiled. Pulling a small pen from your pocket you clicked it, this sent you to the shack in the anti-void you called home shared with the six other skeletons. When you walked in you were greeted with huzzahs. They congratulated you as you closed the door, they seemed euphoric. Nightmare walked over to you hugging you tightly, "Nice job (Cute NickName)." You held your arms up, "Your gonna make me stain my skin if I don't get to the skin silly, I'll hug you afterward.


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