Protective! Bara! Sans x Shy! Nephilim! Reader

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It was uncommon to see a monster such as yourself. A Nephilim to be exact. If you don't know what that is its a mix between a Demon and an Angel. The appearance of your species varied but it had three defining attributes. A set of horns that sat equally apart from each other, a pair of angelic wings, and cloven hooves. Now the Horn's shape and size varied along with the wing's size but just finding one that didn't run away almost immediately was rare in itself. The only reason you didn't run from Sans was that you were injured. He had found you after a very bad crash landing.

You whimpered as you clutched your leg. Your landing wasn't...perfect. Your wings twitched as you laid in the snow. Helpless and Defenseless. You heard someone approaching and froze, 'Oh god! This is it, this is how I die.' You thought. You smelt a heavy smoke as the person got closer. You covered your face with your bloody hands as you shook. "Alright, Paps I got it. I won't forget-" The voice was deep and the footsteps stopped. "Holy shit. Let me call you back" He said, quickly kneeling down beside you. He placed a bony hand onto your side, his touch making your whole body tense. "Hey, I'm gonna help you okay." He said. His voice was somewhat relaxing. You moved your hands away from your face to get a look at who was trying to help you and your eyes widened. He had a soft skull structure (?) with two long fangs that sat at either side of his mouth. He was huge. You were trying to process everything and your body couldn't take it, you fainted. Your body going limp under his hands.

And that brings us to the first day with the skeleton bros.

You woke up in a dimly lit room. There was a soft blanket that had been laid over you and your wounded leg had been bandaged. You went to rub your face and realized your hands had been cleaned as well. You moved your hair out of your face and carefully got up. You whined softly as you limped your way to the door, the blanket still draped over your shoulders. You could hear voices on the side of the door.

"Brother, have you checked in on her?" A much lighter voice asked. "No, she's just been sleeping so I'm letting her rest. She looked pretty banged up when I found her." The familiar voice said. There was a small bit of relief when you heard his voice, that meant you hadn't been sold off to some freak. That's when the door opened and you came face to face, well more like face to chest, with the Person who had saved you. His face was just as you remembered and just as tall as before. You squeaked as you stumbled back, a soft blush covered your face.

"Oh sorry, didn't know you were up yet." He said, flicking the light on in the room. You rubbed your eyes as you covered yourself with the blanket. "Well, she's very shy Sans!" Said the Taller skeleton from behind his brother. "As I said, bro" Sans said as he turned to his brother. "Hey bud, mind coming out from under there?" Sans said. You lifted the blanket just a little, you saw Sans now crouching in front of you. "We just want to talk." You looked between the two skeletons, calculating your chances of making it past both of them, nope.

-Sans POV-

"My name's (Y/n)." She said. Her voice was so soft. My soul jumped when she first spoke. I could see her small horns just barely peeking out of her (h/c) hair. "Are you hungry (Y/n)?" Papyrus spoke from behind me. She nodded, pulling the blanket closer to her. "Then how about we continue our talk over a plate of spaghetti!" Papyrus said enthusiastically, give her his classic charming smile. She gave him a small smile, "That sounds nice." She said. My soul jumped again at her voice. I could feel heat wanting to rush to my face but I forced it down with a large smile. Papyrus left leaving me and her in the room. "If you want I can show you around." I offered, standing up as I extended my hand to her. She was hesitant at first but then she grabbed my hand. Pulling herself up with a small, "Thank you."

-Narrating POV-

He led you out of the room pointing to the different rooms and telling you what they were. He then led you downstairs and you both sat on the couch, listening to Papyrus was humming cheerfully to himself as he prepared the food. You still sat with the blanket wrapped around you, your eyes looking around and taking in the simple house. Sans couldn't take his eyes off you, of course, you didn't notice his soft stare as you were to busy currently noting your surroundings. "Hey, Saw how torn your clothes were and if you want you can borrow some of mine." He said. You turned your head and gave him a small nod. "Sure. If it's not too much." You said as you sat up a slight bit. Sans motioned you to follow and led you back to the room where you woke up. There he gave you an enormous shirt with a silly pun on it. The Shirt looked like it was eating you.  Sans' smile grew as you tied the shirt, allowing the bottom of your hooves to show.  You gave him a shy smile, nervously rubbing your arm.

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