Blind! Reader x UnderSwap! Sans PART 2

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Blue had left for guard duty and as you had thought Paps was not happy, "Whys was he in the closet with you?!" He said in almost a yell. You sighed repeating what you had said 28 times by now, "He had a bad dream and came to be because you weren't home." Your eyes were a little bit clearer but they were still foggy, being able to make out outlines was a huge step you could now navigate easier around the Underground so you didn't run into people as often. But Paps wasn't happy with your answer so this carried on until you decided you were gonna go for a walk. Putting on your favorite hoodie you began to walk into the cold town. You were in awe as you saw the blobs of colors for the first time. You were like a child in a candy store, running around you dashed into the woods. You kept running, following a small animal trail as you ran along. Coming to a hill you slid down it, you ended up rolling down the last part of it. Reappearing from the snow you laughed, the crunching of snow behind you caught your attention as you flipped around. "Who's there?" You asked, grabbing a rock to protect yourself. "HUMAN? WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE YOULL CATCH A COLD!" Sans voice said as he slid down the hill, you dropped the rock. "Oh jeez, Heya Sans, I thought you had Sentry duty." You said rolling your neck, "YES BUT I HEARD LAUGHTER AND CAME TO INVESTIGATE! I DONT WANT YOU CATCHING A COLD SO TAKE MY SCARF!" He said wrapping the soft blue scarf around your neck bringing you down to his level. You saw a blue highlight his skull, resting your forehead on his you said: "Thank you blue." Before you stood up, "Mwehehe! DONT WORRY HUMAN!"

~Time Skip: Later That Night~

Papyrus and you got into a heated argument, not caring that Sans was trying to calm you guys down, but what papyrus said next made you freeze. "You should have gone to the Queen already, maybe you wouldn't be so useless then!" He shouted, even he froze after saying it. Tears filled your light cloudy (e/c) eyes. You covered your mouth to stop you from crying, that was before you said "I'm not useless...I can be used as a bad example." (Stole from my friend who roasted herself with this) Before you stormed out of their house, making your way to hotland. "H-human!" Sans called out, but you didn't respond. You broke into a sprint, leaving Sans in your dust. You were out of breathe when you reached the Queens castle. Breathing deeply You were about to continue went someone wrapped their arms around your waist. "(Y-y/n) don't go..I don't want to lose another friend." Sans said, eyes filled with tears, how you knew was beyond you. Every time you were near Sans you vision improved, this time you could see, you could see his miserable face as he cried trying to get you to stay. Kissing were his nose would be you said. "I'm not leaving forever just a little while." Before unlatching Sans from you and walking towards the Queens Throne room.

You lost.

You fell to the floor, clutching your side as you fought your death, soon enough you allowed yourself to slip through your grasp, allowing you to die. The queen was unharmed, you didn't attack. Paps and Sans ran in as soon as her Theme music and fire faded away, "N-no." Sans said as he rushed to your side. He shook you but he already knew, you weren't coming back. Paps felt his sins crawling in his back.  "Bro we, we should get home." He said as he picked up his crying brother, Blue clung to him as they walked away

~Time Skip : 3 Years~

You kept your promise, you never left Sans. He would see you, sitting in a tree or chilling on a roof. But he always saw you in the upstairs closet, just enough room to be comfortable.

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