Sans x Reader

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"That one day will haunt me for my life."

You worked late hours, from six in the morning to eight at night. You had to take the later work shifts because with what you were previously making you couldn't make due with a child on the way. You were pregnant, but it was a secret. You hadn't told Sans, you were going to tell him on your anniversary. You sighed and yawned, you were driving home. Needing to rest, you couldn't wait to get home.

"If only I knew sooner."

~Sans POV~

He lounged on the couch, a picture of you and Sans from your last anniversary. His smiled faded, 'Why did she just so suddenly take the long hours?' He sighed, "She's not interested in me, isn't she?" He questioned as he sighed and walked up the stair, about to call it a night. The unlocking of the door and a sleepy sigh of a tired (Y/n) could be heard. Sans turned around his eye a deep blue.

"I'll regret that night for the rest of my life."

(Please tell me if anyone got that reference)

~Narrator POV~

You sighed as you slung your purse over onto the floor, "Hi Sans I'm home!" You said, "Oh thought you were upstairs sleeping, why are you still up?" You questioned as you looked at him, "Hunny, are you mad?" He walked down the stairs, "Tell me. Your bored of me aren't cha?" He said as he balled up his fist. "What no. Why would you-" "So then what is it?!" He cut you off, his voice echoing. "You suddenly take the longest shifts they have and for what reason, you're hiding something and I know it." He said you were shocked, 'Shit is my baby bump noticeable, "Fine, I am hiding something, I wanted to tell you on our anniversary but today will do." He stopped when he slapped you, "I fucking knew it!" He yelled you raised your hand. Tenderly touching where he slapped, it stung, your eyes began to water.

He didn't realize what he did until he stopped to breathe, his eyes returned back to their normal white pinpricks, "Oh shit- I didn't mean to." He said, walking over to you. You didn't think twice about scrambling to your feet and to the door, "If you didn't want to be a fucking father you should have told me!" You yelled as you ran out. Sans was shocked. A father, but you weren't pregnant, "I wanted to tell you on our anniversary but today will do." He facepalmed, "Shit (Y/n) wait!" He yelled as he ran out the front door. It was lightly raining, puddles had begun to form on the road. He looked around, he saw a figure running into the park, "Please! (Y/n) wait!" He yelled as he chased after you. He pulled out his phone, calling the only other person to be up at this hour, "What do you want?" Papyrus asked, yawning. "FUCKIN HELL PLEASE HELP. I SLAPPED (Y/N) NOT KNOWING SHE WAS PREGNANT AND SHE RAN OFF PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!" He yelled through the phone, still chasing after you but, you had slowly begun to fade from his view. "You WHAT?! I'll be over soon." He said he could hear the sheets to his bed being tossed aside.

"If I had gotten to her faster."

He lost sight of you but he heard cars so he knew he was near the interstate. He saw Papyrus pull up in his car, he was furious. "Thank goodness you're here." Papyrus to Sans, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!" He yelled, running off, Sans running behind him.

You hadn't stopped running, looking behind you, you saw Papyrus and Sans, both as surprised as you were. But you were so focused on getting away from them you hadn't realized you had run into the interstate

"I shouldn't have struck her"

It was as if time slowed down just a bit, you felt your legs being taken under a passing car, it didn't stop. No, it full on ran you over and drove away. The pain you felt was unbearable, your breathing was staggered, legs most definitely were broken. Your vision blurred, your hearing was echoing. You laid in the road, you slowly began to fade in and out of consciousness.

~Sans POV~

I screamed out as I watched her be hit by the car, just about falling to my knees. Papyrus had stopped, he had no clue what to do, "(Y/N)!" Sans yelled, trying to get a response from you. Bright blue tears streamed down his face as he ran to your side. Your legs were clearly broken, your arm had to be dislocated. Your skin was cut and bruised. Looking closely he could see your baby bump, at the worse time as well. He placed his hands on your arm, shaking you lightly. Papyrus had called 9-1-1 already, the ambulance siren sounded in the night. A faint cracking noise could be heard, Sans buried his head into your arm, crying heavily. He knew you had died, his soul was overridden with grief. Papyrus just about tore Sans from your lifeless body, allowing the paramedics to take your body to the hospital. Papyrus hugged his crying brother, trying to calm his distressed brother. Papyrus called Mettaton, he knew he'd spread the word faster than wildfire. Sans cried into his brothers battle body, his tears soaking his armor.

~A couple of years later~

Sans would have fallen into a deeper depression if it wasn't for a miracle, the doctors had been able to save your child. The accident had caused your child his arm but it was better than his life. He was a small human, bright blue eyes like his father, and silky smooth (h/c) hair. Sans named him Alex, you had always used that name whenever you went to arcades. Alex was about five years old now, and every now and then he'd ask "Where's mommy?" and Sans would only pull him into a tight embrace and tell him "I'll tell ya in 3 years." Alex would always smile and thank him before running off, Sans rubbed his eye socket, tears brimming his eyes. A sadden smile of his face, but he knew you would wait. You always did.

"If only I realized sooner."

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