Vampire! Sans x Reader

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(Yo theres Lots of Lemon-esk Pic of this Skeleton Like Jesus & He's Not All Bloody I just Like the Pic :P)

Requested By: DoubleCousins9994


You and Sans had grown close to each other, you had died a surplus of times but still, only one of those were by his hands. No you weren't a Megalomanic or Genocidal he had accidental fired one of his Gaster Blasters while you were inspecting it. Yeah..that one caught you off guard but you strayed away from that topic. 


You bounded in front of Sans, a excited smile from ear to ear plagued your face. He was almost regretting this deal but he always kept up his end of the deal. "So how do you summon it?" You asked as you spun happily, almost falling over. "Dunno, usually when I'm fighting..something..." He dragged those last words other his head lowering slightly. He was retouching on a dream that he wish he never had. You quickly decided you uncover a rock, maybe you could get him to summon it if you got him to believe you were in trouble? You lock you feet together and fell forwards. You let out a a loud whimper as you fell forwards putting your arms out infront of you. You gasped when you fell on something hard yet smooth, it radiated warmth. You blinked a couple of times before realizing what you were laying on (A BIG FAT-) one of Sans' Gaster Blaster, his eye had flared up into a bright white, his arm slightly extended. You got to your feet, "I-uh, guess I was just falling for you." You say, trying to get Sans to laugh, as planned it worked. You smiled as you walked around the Large Skeleton Dragon Head, you ran your hand along the bone, feeling every dent and and scrape that was on the head. You watched as Sans shivered, but you continued to admire the Blaster.  You moved to the front where you placed your hands on its Nasal Bones. You watched its eyes narrow at you, trying to determine if you were a threat or not.  Thats when it determined you a threat and blasted you to smithereens. It didn't really hurt that much but, you did fall off your bed when it did. 


You were lounging on Sans, resting your head on his boney shoulder. You had been laying partly on the couch, Sans being the chubby skeleton took most of the cushion up when you two snuggled. You noticed that Sans had been really snuggly these last few days, he was also overly protective of you. You didn't know why but you kinda liked the extra attention.  You felt him move his hands to your waist, he rested his head on yours as he grinned. "Wait..Sans no!" You yelled as you he began to tickle your side. You laughed as you tried to push him off, but by doing so you ended up falling off the couch, still laughing. Your knee had hit the coffee table, causing a large scrape and a small wound to open up. You curled into a ball still laughing, you heard Sans laughter slowly fade away as he sharply inhaled a breath. Sans was eyeing the small open wound, "G-god Sans..Don't d-do that again." You wheezed as you stood up, you looked down at the wound and sighed, you were about to go to the bathroom when Sans grabbed your hand pulling you back to the couch, and started inspecting your wounded knee, "S-sans?" You asked quietly watching him intensely stare at your wound, blood dripped freely as it built up larger droplets.

Sans POV:

'H-her blood looks so sweet' He thought as he gingerly touched you wound. He got some of the blood on the tip of his finger. He knew he would regret doing these next few steps, he tasted your blood. To him it tasted like sweet, rich chocolate that would melt in your mouth. The type that you wouldn't want to waste. He...He wanted more, but he couldn't. No he couldn't do that to you, you meant so much to him doing this could cause two things, 1) You would hate him for all eternity or 2) You wouldn't care. He didn't notice himself begin to tower over you, "S-sans? W-what are you doing?" He heard you question, you voice only encouraged his actions. "Did you know that I'm a vampire?" He asked, voice dropped a couple of tones, making his voice now a deep baritone that echoed in your ears. "N-no, I d-didn't know.." You voice quivered with fear as you shrank beneath his towering form. You saw his canine teeth sharpen to pin-point fangs as he spoke, his eyes had turned to large hearts along with his eyes emitting a white smoke. "Do you know why I've been really...touchy with you lately? Why I'm protective?" He asked huskily as he grinned down at you, "I-I don't know..." You whimpered once again, he laughed. "Would you mind guessing?" He asked, his low voice still paralyzing you under him. "U-uh Because me?" You questioned as you stared into his blazing heart eyes. His grin showed it was more than love, "Good guess, but no. Its...mating season." You gasped involuntarily, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid to do such damage to your perfect body." He said, his face inches from yours, dragging one hand along the side of your face and now to your neck. "But..." He growled, "I will do this.." He whispered as he shank his fangs into your neck, the sweet chocolatey flavor flooded his mouth as he drank your blood. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, your eyes had been shut tightly, you had a strong grip on his hoodie. 

You had grabbed the back of his hoodie, clenching it as he drank your blood. You didn't push him away, or even call out in agonizing pain, no you expected this but not so soon. Color faded from your skin, your hair and your eyes, your head hurt due to blood loss but still you kept your eyes closed, listening to him drink your blood. He detached from your neck, leaving two holes on the side of your neck. You let out ragged breaths as you began to recover from most of your blood being drained, but undoubtably you fainted. 

Sans wiped his mouth, cleaning the blood off of his mouth. But he slowly realized what he had just done. He had taken your life away, basically. You were bound to him, forever.  He sighed as his voice returned back to his normal silky tone. He scooped your pale, fragile body into his arms, your once shiny (H/c) had now turned pitch black. He walked up the stairs leading to his room, quickly opening his door he placed you on his bed. You snuggled into his pillows, murmuring softly as you slept. He moved the hair around your forehead before he placed a soft gentle kiss on your forehead. He smiled as he got into the bed with you, basically hugging you as you both slept.


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