Classic!Sans x Shy!Neko!Reader

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Dis chu but it looks like chu

You had very low health, your battle with Toriel was heart raking but you had to continue. With 4/20 health you walked out into the freezing cold. Your (f/c) ears twitching every now and then, shaking off the snow that landed on them. You shivered slightly, your long (h/c) ponytails lightly dusted with snow as you walked. Noticing there was a large stick in the middle of the path you jumped over it, you were silly yes but when it came to people you lost all words. You turned around, the larger stick now snapped in two, the hairs on your ears and tail were at full attention as you sped walked down the path. Your ears flicked back, the snow of snow crunching as you walked signaled someone was following you. You full-on ran, small tears stung your eyes. That was until you ran into something. You fell backward, "Hey kiddo are you alright?" Some man with a voice deep and smooth said as the man reached out his skeletal hand, 'Wait skeletal?' You thought as you looked up at him, yep that's a skeleton. "Do yah speak or no?" He asked, just a little confused. You sat there, mouth slightly parted as you tried to speak, you slowly shook your head no. "Oh shame, Names Sans, Sans the skeleton. Gotta name?" he asked before realizing, "Oh nevermind." he said goofily as you chuckled slightly, your tail swaying as you stood up. You walked with him before 'hiding' behind the lamp, meeting his super cool brother, after solving his easy puzzles you walked into Snowden. "I ain't ever seen a kitty cat like you, where ya from?" a small monster with no arms said as he looked up at you, but you were blushing madly at being called kitty cat. "I-I'm fr-from the s-surface." you managed trying to remove your blush from your face. "Okay!" The small monster said before running off. You walked into a fight with Paps which ended up on a date, but he said that your 'personality' was too good for him so yeah. You walked into a waterfall area. Dark and dull blues along with the chimes of something ringing as you walked calmed you. You had removed your ponytails and now had your long hair flowing down your back. You saw Sans in his sentry station and walked over to him, "h-hi..." you managed, San's skull was dusted a very light blue hearing your voice. "hey thought you couldn't speak?" he said, leaning on the counter of his sentry station. "n-n-not very w-well." you said, your face was slightly red but unnoticeable. "Wanna come to Grillbys with me? He has the best grub in the whole underground," he said standing up and fixing his Jacket. You nodded, "here I know a shortcut." he said as he extended his hand. You take it, blushing slightly. In seconds your in the casual restaurant, you and Sans sit at the bar. You sit there, messing with your tail as Sans spoke about his brother and ordered some food.  "hey ill be right back kay?" he said as he got off the stool and walked into the restroom. You day there head down and tail seating slightly, that's when a drunken dog came up to you and whispered in your ears, "Heya kitty, I'm a be that dog that destroys that pussy tonight~" he said as he grinded against you, you jumped and where about to move when he grabbed your ponytail, yanking you back. "Kitty where you think you're going?" he growled as he began feeling you up, he was about to slide his hand into your shirt when the man was thrown against the wall, though blurry eyes you saw Sans, his eyes flaring up a dangerous blue. The mutt stumbled out as Sans walked to your side, you were shaking and quietly crying. "hey, its okay. Don't worry I'm here, we're gonna go to my place okay?" he said placing his hand on your shoulder. You nodded and within mere seconds you were on his couch, you leaned into him, crying into his shoulder. "shhh it's okay." he said, trying to calm you down, "i-I was scared a-a-and couldn't s-speak, a-and–"you stuttered as you cried into him. "it's okay, i-I promise." he said, hugging you as you continued to cry into him. "thank you." you said, no stutter, no shyness it was your real voice. Sans skull flushed blue as you snuggled into his chest, sleeping lightly. Sans didn't object as he soon fell asleep there too.


You were curled into Sans around maybe 1-2 am. You had an anxiety dream which caused you to jolt and out if you sleep. Sans was asleep snoring lightly as he slept. You rolled him onto his back, then you snuggled into him, getting as close as you could. You felt his arms wrap around you as he rolled to where he faced you, tilting your head up slightly he kissed your nose.  You smiled and snuggled into his chest some more as you slowly fell asleep, you tail curled around his leg slightly.

Okay that's a wrap,  but sort of it isn't that good I haven't really done a neko before so yeah. Also the dirty joke about da dog, yaaaaa my dad told me that lmao. Anyways PLEASE REQUEST TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT

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