Sans x Reader {Time Was Wrong} Part 2

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and Sans is kinda a Bara cuz hes taller than you, ana maybe he's a lil yandere idk...okey enjoy


"Sweetheart? Is that you?" Sans asked as he straighten in the booth. You tilted your head, your brows furrowing. "S-sans?" You asked, your face changing to one of delight. "One second, I'll be right back." You said as you bolted to the back of the cafe. Sans rubbed his skull as his smile grew. You had come back, a small purse slung at your side as your hair was tied into a messy bun. "Wanna go for a walk and catch up?" You asked as you fiddled with a stray hair that was refusing to cooperate. "Yeah I've got some spare time." He sigh with a chuckle as he downed his drink. 

You both walked out of the cafe and out onto the semibusy sidewalk. "'ve grown quite a bit." You said, actaully looking up at him now. You remember when you towered over him, well everyone did. "Yeah. Suprised myself." Sans said as he placed his hands in his pockets. His face seemed grim as you both walked in an uncomfortable silence. "Why didn't you return?" He asked. You winced as you knew this would come up. "I wanted to. But I couldn't. Suddenly being thrown back into the life you tried to kill yourself to get out of hits hard." Sans winced at that line. He knew of your self-harming tendancy but he didn't know it was that extreme. "B-besides, I wanted to see how life would treat me if I hadn't gave up." It was horrible. But Sans nodded, his expression nearly unreadable as he stared at you.  "Sans?" You questioned before he grabbed you and teleported away.

You had never got use to that feeling, "S-sans? What the? Where are we-" He cut you short when he lifted your head slightly, "You've got bruises." He growled. He moved your head left to right inspecting the bruise that wrapped around your neck. "N-no I don't!" You said defensively as you pushed his hand away. You should tell him about- no. "Who did this?" He asked. His eyes drifting up to yours, they were full of care. "I..can't tell you." You mumbled. Tears pricking your eyes as emotions you didn't know you had hit you. Fear, Sorrow, Anger, Guilt. They washed over you like a wave. Sans wiped away the few tears that fell as he pulled you into a hug. You cried into his shoulder. Tell him "W-while I was up here I couldn't get rid of you." You mumbled into his shoulder, "I tried to o-occupy my mind. I met someone...and he won't leave me alone." You could feel San's magic spike at that, "He thinks I'm his girlfriend, he treats me like an object a-and..." You couldn't finish that sentence, you held onto him and cried your soul out. He oulled you as close as he could, he was trying to control his own magic from ripping that man apart. "I won't let him hurt you." He whispered into your ear, "Not eva' again." You smiled as you sniffled rubbing your eyes as you pulled away from the hug. "See this necklace? All you have to do is break it and I'll come an find ya. No matter where ya arm" He said as he held up the small bone pendant from many years ago. You nodded as he put it around your neck. "Thank you Sans." You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes once again. The warm and fuzzy atmosphere was ripped away form both of you when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out of your pocket and sighed. "I should get going." You hadn't even read the message, only the name. Jacoby. "Where to?" "Uh 𝚊̵̷̢̛͡͡͠𝚍̧҉̸̶̡̢͟𝚍̷̛̕̕͟͝͞𝚛̨̛̀͢͜͝͠𝚎҉̡́͘͟͢͝𝚜҉̶͘͘͢͡͞𝚜̧́̕͟͜͜͟" He grabbed your hand and off you two disappeared. You reappeared infront of the crappy apartment you lived in. "Thanks." You mumbled before walking inside, you turned around and yep he was gone. You were alone. You walked into the apartment and climbed the ridiculous amount of stairs to your floor. You hesitated before opening the door. 

"Where the he-ll you been?" Jacoby asked as he sat in his chair watching the Tv. "Out with friends." You muttered as you tried to get past him, "Not so fast you whore, whats that aroudn yer neck?" He questioned  as he got up. "I-Its nothing." You stammered as you watched him stalk toward you. He pulled you forward by the chain as he looked it over in his hand. "S? You stupid slut! How much did this shit cost!?" He yelled as he pulled it from your neck. You winced as the wire cut into the by of your neck, but your eyes went wide as you stared at Jacoby.

"What? Am I gonna have to to teach you another lesson whore?" He growled as he cracked his knuckles. He drew his hand back but a sicken crunch echoed along with his pain. "That's for calling my girl a whore." Jacoby was flung across the room. The Tv shatter on impact. "Thats for calling my girl a slut." Sans growled, his magic seemed feral and explosive. "This is for evrytime you looked at her!" He roared as he slammed his head into the wall. Jacoby slummed dow to the floor, laying in his own blood. Sans huffed as he walked back over to you. "Doll, you okay?" He asked as you stared at him. His girl. You nodded slowly as you tried not to look at the bloody mess. "Lets go...please." You mumbled into his chest as he nodded. His magic encased you as he teleported. The soft breeze of the forest clmed your nerves as you stepped away from Sans.

"Thank you"


I honestly don't know how I managed to write this. And why I even wrote Sans Killing Jacoby...My mind is all messed up. lol

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