BirdTale! Sans X Winged! Reader

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You sat at base camp, pealing the bandages off of your wing. The last fight had you fighting two people and ending up with a large gash on your wing, fracturing the ulna slightly. Your wing twitched as the bandage was removed, you stretched your wing out sighing as relief rushed over you. "T-t-there w-we g-go," Alphys said as she discarded the bandage, "Thanks, Alph I owe yah" She smiled as she bent your wing slightly, you sighed as you put your camo jacket on, the forest pattern on the jacket helped you blend in with the sky when flying. Yes, but your flying was, for one thing, fighting. There were not only battles on foot but Battles in the air, you were a fierce fighter when it came to protecting your homelands. While fighting one of these fights you meet Sans when you first met your face flushed and was his. You two were a pair to be reckoned with, hell Sans even beat the crap out of the man who fractured your wing. Back to real time, You wave to her as you walk out of the tent, a few monsters had swooped down as they fought, training as they picked back to the air. You dodged them swiftly before hearing your name being called out, turning you saw Papyrus. "GREETING (Y/N)!" he said, smiling as his red robin colored wings folding in, tucking to his back. "Heya Paps, any news from the scouts?" You asked walking up to him and walking with him around the camp. "Just a few rouge men trying to find information, but they were organizing an attack so we're spreading the word to be aware." He said, looking over you into the horizon. "Okay, thanks for the update. Hey, what are you looking at?" You questioned, turning. Your eyes widened as you saw a mass of bird-like people flying towards the base. "Run, Run!" You said pulling on his gloved hand, you two ran off, sounding the alarms as you run throughout the camp. Sans appeared with a blue bone sword in one hand his shield in the other. "(Y/n) wheres paps? He asked still looking at the mass horde of bird-people. "With the smaller kids and elders, the troops." You said, summoning an (s/c) sword, and putting on your helmet. Undyne shot up with her troops, that included you and Sans. You flew up your (wing color) wings beating fast as you shot up, colliding with one of the humans who dove for another member of your ranks, a sickening crack was heard as the man tumbled to the rocky mountainside down below. You focused on a human that was trailing one of the lesser troops as the same troop flew after a human. You hadn't noticed the human about to drop down on you, looking up you put your shield up, waiting for the blow but it never came, looking up you saw the man had been skewered, Sans flew by his cocky smirk on his face. A few more hours of fighting the humans had to retreat, their numbers had dwindled greatly. You had a few wounds, but you had been cheering, not noticing the human who had remained, the one who was cocking their gun. You flew towards Sans, hugging him. Though his goggles he was blushing, a light shade of blue covered his face. "Hey a-are you okay?" He asked, his skeletal hand cupping your face, "Yeah, just some flesh wounds, nothing that won't heal." You said smiling, spinning around with him slightly, laughing as you did. The human followed Sans figure, firing but he didn't hit Sans, he hit you. You cried out, the bullets snapped your left wing. You slipped from Sans grasp as you fell towards the ground, Sans cried out your name as he dove for you. You looked up, the only place you could. The look on Sans face was heartbreaking. You could feel your broken wing, you tried to open your wings to fly but the pain was too great. Tears filled your eyes, there was no way for Sans to reach you in time. You were falling much faster than Sans could dive. You put a smile on your face, the last thing you did before you hit the rocky mountainside, falling off and on to the outskirts of your camp. Everything was a red blur, a loud high-pitched ringing constantly in your ears. Your breaths were labored and ragged when you heard wings flapping and someone running to your side. Your helmet was removed and someone cupped your face. Blood poured from a gash within your hairline along with your bleeding nose. You could hear someone crying out for help as you tried to make out who was holding you, "O-oh god....wing is..." You hear parts of their sentences, trying to move your wing you hiss in pain, your wing was snapped. "...s-sans?" you questioned before you felt someone hug you, "i-I'm sorry." he cried into your shoulder. You wanted to say something, but everything was numb. You felt like you were weightless, floating on thin air.

Sans POV:

I ran to Alphys, pushing through the crowds of monsters as they cheered. He looked down at you, your eyes had rolled back into your head. He was cursing himself out as he raced towards Alphys tent. "Al please, help her," he said, crying slightly. Alphys quickly placed you on a table, quickly getting to work. After many hours of trying to keep you stable Alphy walked out of the tent, Paps had been comforting Sans as Sans was overcome with worry. Sans jumped up, but when he saw Alphys sadden face he knew something wasn't right. "Al, is she gonna make it?" Alphy began to cry, Undyne walked over and hugged her. Sans walked into the tent. You had a monitor next to your cot, the sickening green flatline displayed on the screen. "N-no." He said in disbelief, he was shaking as he walked towards you. He began seeing where you had already began turning to dust, cracks and splotches littered you face and arms. Sans knelt down crying. "I-I'm Sorry, I'm so so sorry.  I should have caught you." He cried softly, removing his goggles he placed them onto your closed eyes. With that he walked out, "Brother? Is everything alright with (y/n)?" Papyrus question, "Yeah, she's not in any pain bro, come on," He said, before opening his wings and flying towards their home. Later that night sans snuck out, flying as far as he could towards the humans village, he sought revenge. "I bloody shy one of em outta the sky, yes sir re I did and I watched em fall," a man bragged, laughing with the surrounding people. Blue bones shot from the ground, causing the men to gasp and jump. Each groaning in pain. "I caught a killer and I watched him die painfully," Sans deep voice growled before he shot forward. The next morning a women shrieked, the men had been brutally been, and hung upside down. There blood dripping from the bones left in their body. Asgore got a letter the same day asking for a peace treaty. Later in the day Sans sat on a cliff that you would often go to to clear your mind. Sans growled in anger, if he had known that was all it took he would have done it sooner, but he blamed himself for not trying. He looked out over the setting sun. Then he gasped, he had though that he had seen you waving at him, but it was merely a cloud..was it?


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