Sparks and Embers

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I took refuge in my dorm again, the only place I seem to get some alone time. I collapsed on my bed, my glasses pushed up against my face as I fell face first. I always hated that. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but couldn't. My mind wasn't ready to give up yet. I sat up and took out my phone to check the time, 5:30p.m. My next class wouldn't be till tomorrow. There was absolutely nothing to do but lay down and stare at the ceiling. I took out my I.D. and looked at it; I knew nothing changed but it was one of the few things to do to pass the time.

"Cole Chase, male, attends Jacksonville School of Magic, age 17

Level: trainee."

I hated that, "trainee", basically it was the lowest level of any witch or wizard. I still have to carry around a stupid training wand for Pete's sake! I should've leveled up to apprentice with the rest of my class, but I was held back. I knew why too. It's the same reason I didn't fit in with everyone else. The type of magic I wield is too powerful and they're trying to keep me from getting too strong.

I didn't want to think about it. I dismissed the thought and rolled over to face the ceiling, it was plain white. I extended my hand in front of my face and slowly moved my fingers, tiny, bright blue electric streams running between them. The wand was literally useless. A knocking came at the door, I quickly clenched my hand to a fist and got up.

"Who is it?" I yelled while walking to the door. It wasn't unusual for me to get visitors, but they were mainly teachers who'd come to check up on me. They do that more often than most people think, or perhaps it's just me.

"Come on slow poke, I wanna practice with you."

I opened the door and saw my best friend Alex behind it. We only met last year, but we quickly became close friends and only grew closer. Back before everyone knew what kind of freak I was.

She was cute, her flame red hair was put up in two big pigtails that was about as big as her head. Her eyes looked dull grey in comparison to her hair. She wore an outfit that reminded me of some 90's tough girl. I guess it was stylish.

"Come on, sparky ! Let's go, I can't wait to show you my familiar. We just got them today !"

That's right, if they had just let me advance with my class I would've gone to the familiar initiation as well.

"I don't feel like it," I sighed. I was done for today, I just wanna go to sleep.

"In that case you don't have a choice, sparky !"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room, slamming the door behind me, and ran full speed out the dorm, all while keeping a firm grip on my hand. I struggled to keep up with her the whole way.

We finally stopped in an open field close to the dorm, it was the practice area for people to train their magic but no one was around at this hour.

I took some deep breaths and said," ok Hot Head, what do you got for me?"

She was taking in breaths as well.

"Wait !" She yelled, then she pulled out this red whistle from her pocket and blew into it. Moments later a bright red bird flew in from the now distant dorm and swooped down on the ground. It then erupted into flames, it was about 10 feet away but I still felt the intense heat. The fire grew and grew till it was the size of an human. The flame then burst in a light explosion to reveal a girl that took the place of the bird. She was beautiful.

Her hair was jet black and her eyes were bright red, she was about our height. She wore red oriental clothing that complemented her eyes well.

"Yes master ?" The girl said to Alex, that girl must've been her familiar.

"Watch us as we spare, this is your chance to see me in action !" She yelled excitedly. Can't she do this with someone else?

"As you wish, my lady." She took a bow then disappeared in flames. I saw a flash in a distant tree.

"Ok, now we can start !" She yelled, I don't get why she yells so much, I'm not that far away.

Flames erupted from her hands, I remember back when she was struggling, now she looked like a natural. I, on the other hand, still struggled.

I tried to will flames in my hand, I had to concentrate hard just to make small embers erupt from my palms.

"Come on, that's just sad. No one's looking, you can use it," she yelled over to me. I looked around and stopped struggling with the flame.

Instead, I willed a ball of sparks in my hand, a few streams would escape and quickly disappear. It looked like a ball of blue energy.

This is why I got held back, this is why they watched me. Lightning was chaos magic, the chaos version of fire. Chaos magic often took years to master, but I was a natural at it. Chaos was strong and considered dark magic. Which is why I got my infamous reputation, most people avoided me when everyone found out last year. Alex didn't. She, in fact, loved my curse. All I wanted was to be like everyone else.

She flung fireballs at me, which I precisely snipped with my lightning. It sounded like a million birds chirping as I used it. I aimed a bolt at her, which she quickly swirled a wall of fire to block.

"And now for my next trick," she smiled and ran towards me, covering herself in fire. I panicked and shot some bolts at her that were proven ineffective. They bounced off her like she was made of rubber. And it was getting hotter and hotter the closer she came, I had no idea what to do about it, she was unstoppable!

I sent a wave of electricity as my last ditch effort with enough force to flip a truck. She disappeared into a collection of embers that were blown away by the shock wave. I looked around me, not a trace to be found. My heart jumped, I kept looking around for her. Had I really killed her ? Did I really go too far ?

"Alex !" I screamed. Still nothing, as if she was never here to begin with.

I felt a warm sensation from behind. "Miss me?"A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

I turned to see that she was there, no sign of any scorch or burn marks, I felt so relieved she was alive I hugged her.

Then I felt angry and released my hold. "Do that again and I'll kill you !" I yelled, how could she worry me like that ?

She snickered and put a hand on my cheek, her hands was soft and warm.

"No you won't, not with how much you care." She leaned in and kissed my cheek, which made me feel like I was gonna melt. I sharply turned my head away and crossed my arms as if I was still mad. The warmth of her cheek still lingered and I wondered if my face was turning red.

She snickered again behind me before I heard a soft swoosh sound and looked behind me to see the Phoenix girl appeared back in view.

"Well done master, must I say you have excellent form."

"Nix, I told you to stop being so formal with me. Please, just Alex."

"As you wish, Master Alex."

She sighed, which made me laugh. They both turned to me.

"Oh let me introduce you. Cole this is Nix, my familiar. Nix, this is my bestest friend ever, Cole."

That surprised me, she never spoke about me in such high regard before,well as far as I knew.

"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Cole." She gave a small bow.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Nix." I took a bigger bow.

"Oh not you too. Knock it off you goof," Alex groaned. Well all ended up laughing.

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