Scummy Scumbag Does The ABSOLUTE WORST

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Sigh. You see this scumbag? He should look a lot worse. He's lucky his worthless life was saved at all. I don't even have words to express the sort of a vile, sick, twisted, horrrible, disgusting, filthy, abhorrent, terrible, shameful, evil, despicable, disturbed, perverted, repulsive crime this inhuman degenerate has committed. Be warned, the following article contains details unsuitable for all audiences. I'm going to try to censor it a bit without changing too much of the article.


A Missouri man has been charged with statutory sodomy of a one-year-old, but not before he received a beating from the infant’s father.

Jayson Newlun, a 26-year-old family friend who was babysitting for friends, was caught inappropriately touching the child and himself after being left alone with the baby for just 10 to 15 minutes, according to local media.

Court documents show that the mother and father had left Mr Newlun alone with their daughter while they went to the store. After realising that they had forgotten their WIC folder — which contains vouchers to assist low income families pay for food for children — they returned home.

Once they returned, the mother noticed that Mr Newlun wasn’t on the couch where he had been when they left, and that her infant daughter’s bedroom door was open.

In the bedroom, she saw Mr Newlun take an inappropriate photograph of their daughter before touching himself while molesting the baby girl in the worst of ways.

The mother reportedly ran and told her husband immediately, and he tackled Mr Newlun and hit him with a dresser drawer.

A neighbour stepped in to stop the attack (stupid neighbor).

A mug shot of Mr Newlun shows him battered and bruised from the attack, with a black eye bleeding blood.

“I hope you go down for this,” the mother reportedly told Mr Newlun as they awaited for the police to arrive.

“I do, too,” he replied.

Prosecutors have requested a $250,000 bond for Mr Newlun’s release.


I think I'm done with news for the day. Two awful stories involving adults betraying and abusing children who were supposed to be under their care. And there was a third actually, involving two foster parents physically abusing a child and starving him. Someone tell me when humanity became so depraved? When did people become so evil? When did adults go from being caretakers and nurturing, compassionate souls to freakn sick, repugnant inhuman garbage?! I need a break. I need a light, silly story to take me away from this darkness and sickness. If I post in here again today, I'm hoping it'll be a lighthearted, uplifting story.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering, NO, I don't go looking for this kind of stuff. If I had to search, I'm sure I'd find worse. But no, the sad thing is, this kind of crap is just in the news daily. It's just there to see. That's how bad things are getting in the world today. I think we should all pray...

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