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UGH I've never wanted to beat up a bunch of kids so badly!

It hasn't gone viral yet (I predict it will) but basically here's the run down. A Muslim girl in Florida was just jumped by a bunch of bigoted bullies for being Muslim. She had been getting picked on for a while and finally decided to stand up for herself, choosing to peacefully speak to them wearing an anti-bullying t-shirt. These cowardly girls, no scratch that, these racist thugs decided to just start beating on her instead. There's a video I watched and idk why I watched it. But they had no mercy, 3 of them punching and kicking on her while she's on the ground screaming, and hardly anyone intervenes and they didn't do so with any real effort to save her. It was mostly just a whole gang of people standing around recording and laughing.

The poor girl didn't even fight back. Her dad said because it was to send a message or something and being the bigger person and bravery and strength but honestly, not to blame or further attack the victim, and not to promote violence, but Islam doesn't teach extreme pacifism like that. They beat her to the point that she was literally peeing on herself, and they were laughing as they continued to pummel her and as guys and girls all stood around watching.

I swear I wanted to jump into the video and break those kids' faces. All of them. The bullies hitting, the bullies instigating, and the bystanders who did nothing. I'm gonna sit down, I'm so furious right now.

This is really how bad things are. This horrendous racism  (yes, yes I know, Islam is not a race but seeing as she's Pakistani and they're well, they're what you'd expect a trumpanzee bigot to be, yeah I'm sure race plays a role in the hatred just as much as religion does).  The mother filed a report and is pressing charges against all 3 of the girls but our system is whack. Especially when it comes to racial inequality.

They're white. She's brown. And Muslim. They'll get a slap on the wrist, or just a wag of a finger and let off as "kids just being kids."

And she'll get... no justice.

There are some helpful Muslims contacting the dad to help pursue more legal action and also trying to get the girl into an Islamic martial arts center, but idk if the dad will be too receptive on that second part. I'm not an advocate for violence, but I personally wish he'd set her up with the right skills and knowledge to defend herself against something like this happening again. Not so she can go seek revenge, but just so she can at least defend herself and not be knocked to the ground and beaten so harshly :/ it pained me to see any of that.

And these sorts of THUGS clearly can't be reasoned with. The racism and hatred they displayed is homegrown. I'm almost certain they got some sort of reward at home and the parents are probably cursing the Muslim girl as I type. And you can bet blowhard tRump isn't going to tweet against these future terrorists in defense of the innocent Muslim. He can only tweet the fake news about a supposed Muslim immigrant man attacking a handicapped Dutch boy... when it turns out neither of the two BOYS were immigrants or Muslims.

But I assume amongst some good people this issue will be brought to light. It'll go viral and people will speak out. I just don't know what consequence can be expected to come. I mean, this is a country that continuously let's policemen get away with cold-blooded murder of civilians so... they're really not going to be stressing about some trashbag teenagers beating on a "raghead."  (For the record she's not wearing a hijab, not that that's a matter for this context but...)

Ugh. I'm still so infuriated. Especially the smugness and arrogance of those thugs. They had the gall to insult her and act like they're so tough and worth something?!  You freakn little cowards JUMPED a girl who didn't even want to fight in the first place. And for what? Because she believes in God differently than you heathens? Because she has brown skin? Or Because she asked you not to harass her anymore?

Whatever the maximum sentence for this assault is, I say give it to them. I don't care how much money their stupid parents make. I don't care how much the judge thinks it will hurt their poor futures. And I don't want to even hear any pity stories for them. Make an example of them.

Throw the book at them; make the parents pay a fine, and lock them up in juvie with all minorities and let everyone know just why they're in there.

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