Murderous Mook Should Be-Heading To The Chair

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A defense expert Monday told jurors that a Muslim convert's justification for beheading a co-worker at a Moore food plant is not found in the Quran at all.

"It does not exist," said Robert Hunt, a professor at Southern Methodist University and expert on Islamic beliefs.

The expert spent much of Monday going over murder defendant Alton Alexander Nolen's interview with Moore police and FBI in the days after the attack at Vaughan Foods.

In the interviews, Nolen, a Muslim convert, admitted he beheaded Colleen Hufford on Sept. 25, 2014. He said he did so because she had oppressed him.

"You know all I was doing was ... what I was supposed to do as a Muslim," Nolen said. "It's in the Quran." (NO IT'S NOT AND NO YOU WEREN'T!)

Hunt explained to jurors that the Quran teaches a beheading is acceptable in war, not to resolve a personal insult.

Defense attorney Ben Brown went over one by one with the professor what Nolen said to the FBI about his religious beliefs. The professor described the statements as incoherent, incorrect interpretations of the Quran, quite unusual and very peculiar.

The professor said Nolen expressed beliefs cobbled together from Christianity, Islam and Hebrew Israelites.

Defense attorneys began putting on witnesses Monday in an effort to persuade the jury Nolen is not guilty by reason of insanity. The attorneys contend he is mentally ill and thought he was "100 percent right" to behead Hufford because of delusional misinterpretations of Islamic teachings.

Prosecutors contend Nolen, 33, of Moore, clearly knew right from wrong and should get the death penalty.

Cleveland County District Judge Lori Walkley was annoyed Monday at the slow pace of the testimony and encouraged Brown to move faster.

The expert was the second witness.

The expert was the second witness

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Stuff like this is yet another reason it's important for us all to check our info and learn Islam for legitimate sources, not just derive our own interpretations based on our desires or what we heard so-and-so say when they justify their crimes. Ignorance leads to a lot of trouble. I have no sympathy for this guy, "convert" or not. You just come bringing your violent tendencies and try using Islam to justify it and lie on the Quran so you can go murder someone. Like the title said, this mook should be heading to the electric chair. I didn't even bother seeing the ignorant anti-Muslim comments on the article. Idiots like this guy and others who get attention bring the wrong view on Islam to the public. Sigh.

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