What A Moore-on

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Kayla Moore dedicates anti-Muslim, pro-medicinal marijuana song to husband Roy Moore

Kayla Moore, the wife of Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, has dedicated a song to her husband. The title? "Pissed Off Rednecks."

In a message posted to Facebook and shared to the Friends of Roy Moore, Kayla Moore said she is dedicating the song to "our favorite judge from Alabama."

"Roy Moore does stand his ground and don't (sic) back down to political pressure and eve (sic). Now from Washington and the liberal fake news media," Moore wrote Friday.

The song, released in 2015 by singer Jamie Jones, mentions welfare, immigration and prayer in schools.

Jones sings:

"H*** no I won't press one for English. I'd just as soon hang up the phone.

If you want to serve in a Muslim church, take your a** back home

I think it's time we changed our policy,

This is coming from real American sons and pissed off rednecks like me."

The song also references the Affordable Care Act and mentions the use of medicinal marijuana.

"Old folks they can't afford medication. This d*** Obamacare's a joke but if it will help you with your sickness I say fire it up and take a toke," Jones sings, referencing smoking pot.

Moore was defeated last week by Democrat Doug Jones in a historic upset. The former Alabama chief justice, who led in the race until allegations he had improper sexual contact with teenage girls in the 1970s, has yet to concede to Jones.

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